
Central Florida Summer League

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CFSL 2017 - Stats

Statistics: Batting | Pitching | Fielding | Team Batting Totals | Team Pitching Totals | Team Fielding Totals

Pitching Stats

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ERA - Minimum inning(s) pitched per team game - .8  

Player Team ERA PFR BIPA K/9 BB/9 ERC FPS%
Doudican, P Mus 0.72 2.280 0.240 17.640 2.880 .848 0.000
Traylor, M Mavs 1.08 1.200 0.253 7.920 2.880 3.565 0.000
Holle, J TB 1.88 0.958 0.187 6.000 2.625 2.127 0.000
Crowder, C Mus 2.05 1.500 0.262 10.636 2.864 1.791 0.000
Moen, T Falc 2.74 1.217 0.307 8.217 2.739 3.292 0.000
Meier, B TB 2.84 1.474 0.278 11.368 1.895 2.202 0.000
Ward, A Mus 2.96 1.500 0.179 6.915 6.585 2.874 0.000
Baker, J Mavs 3.33 0.963 0.207 6.333 2.333 2.154 0.000
Charman, C Mavs 4.19 1.603 0.230 9.310 5.121 2.864 0.000
Monroe, C Mus 4.36 1.113 0.297 7.403 2.613 3.755 0.000
Hinton, R Falc 4.45 1.978 0.298 12.462 5.341 4.232 0.000
Anderson, A Mavs 4.50 0.850 0.325 5.400 2.250 5.666 0.000
Kimsey, E TB 4.50 1.688 0.273 9.563 5.625 4.094 0.000
Harrison, W Falc 6.64 1.328 0.325 8.852 3.098 6.699 0.000
Randers, R Mavs 7.13 1.755 0.347 10.698 5.094 7.242 0.000