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Rockford Aviators vs Windy City ThunderBolts: 3-4

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The Rockford Aviators get on top of the Windy City ThunderBolts early but can't hang on in 4-3 loss

Story by Narrative Science.

The Rockford Aviators (15-5) built an early edge on Saturday, but the Windy City ThunderBolts (6-13) roared back to steal a 4-3 victory at Standard Bank Stadium.

The Windy City ThunderBolts took the lead in the eighth inning on a two-run single by Max White.

White racked up two RBIs on three hits for the Windy City ThunderBolts. He doubled in the seventh inning and singled in the second and eighth innings.

Cameron Giannini recorded his first win of the year for the Windy City ThunderBolts. He struck out two, walked one and surrendered one hit.

Matt Frahm couldn't get it done on the hill for the Rockford Aviators, taking a loss. He lasted just one inning, walked none, struck out none, and allowed two runs.