
Perfect Game Collegiate Baseball League

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Pitching Stats

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ERA - Minimum inning(s) pitched per team game - .8  

Player Team ERA PFR BIPA K/9 BB/9 ERC FPS%
Harrison, D AM 0.00 1.737 0.143 12.789 2.842 .301 0.652
Seiler, B ALB 0.00 1.000 0.105 5.400 3.600 1.636 0.500
Pacella, R UBS 0.00 1.385 0.222 12.462 0.000 .094 0.733
Funaro, H SS 0.00 1.500 0.286 10.125 3.375 2.869 0.700
Rhea, C MV 0.00 0.000 0.600 0.000 0.000 17.535 0.800
Stanavich, D AM 1.93 2.786 0.250 19.286 5.786 1.77 0.389
Hesslink, W ALB 2.25 1.500 0.077 6.750 6.750 3.91 0.500
Hebner, J ADK 3.00 0.500 0.182 3.000 1.500 1.535 0.667
Hartigan, M AM 3.00 0.833 0.333 6.000 1.500 3.462 0.560
Joyce, J MV 3.00 1.333 0.462 9.000 3.000 8.971 0.813
Solimine, R ADK 3.38 0.975 0.306 6.750 2.025 4.225 0.683
Cattaneo, T EP 3.60 1.200 0.278 7.200 3.600 3.28 0.545
Burchill, N SS 3.86 2.143 0.300 11.571 7.714 7.424 0.583
Massa, N AM 5.23 1.839 0.333 13.065 3.484 5.325 0.708
Smith, D AM 6.00 2.222 0.222 13.000 7.000 8.083 0.605
Miller, S ADK 6.00 0.778 0.289 4.000 3.000 7.108 0.545
Bales, B ALB 6.00 1.667 0.263 10.500 4.500 5.765 0.519
Maser, J GEN 6.00 0.833 0.269 3.000 4.500 4.529 0.714
Treble, H GEN 6.00 2.667 0.444 18.000 6.000 6.145 0.667
Land, J GEN 7.36 2.182 0.294 9.818 9.818 10.67 0.571
Takacs, C EP 8.10 1.800 0.467 8.100 8.100 11.147 0.556
Crane, Z GEN 9.00 1.600 0.353 10.800 3.600 7.123 0.583
Swafford, T ADK 11.25 0.750 0.353 4.500 2.250 9.18 0.750
Fusco, S MV 11.57 1.286 0.273 3.857 7.714 7.424 0.583
Cook, A UBS 11.57 4.286 0.250 15.429 23.143 15.618 0.750
Venezia, F UBS 11.57 0.857 0.571 7.714 0.000 22.331 0.563
Miller, L SS 12.00 1.000 0.429 3.000 6.000 11.955 0.733
Savell, L ALB 12.00 2.000 0.214 6.000 12.000 9.281 0.667
Blaisdell, T GEN 12.46 0.923 0.522 6.231 2.077 14.766 0.808
Sibley, H MV 13.50 0.750 0.286 0.000 6.750 10.87 0.500