
Golden Baseball League

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Statistics: Batting | Pitching | Fielding | Team Totals

Pitching Stats

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ERA - Minimum inning(s) pitched per team game - .8  

Player Team ERA PFR BIPA K/9 BB/9 ERC FPS%
Ryder, M CHI 3.27 0.870 0.310 7.013 0.818 3.289 0.739
Sergent, J CAL 3.88 1.017 0.299 6.658 2.497 4.504 0.598
Pote, L EDM 3.98 1.270 0.278 7.206 4.224 4.988 0.632
Franklin, W CHI 4.33 1.123 0.248 5.487 4.620 4.557 0.600
Hess, I CAL 4.59 1.299 0.252 7.979 3.707 3.912 0.573
Little, C EDM 5.06 0.604 0.287 2.906 2.531 5.156 0.634
Matumoto, J CHI 5.09 1.202 0.327 8.000 2.818 4.731 0.620
White, E CHI 5.31 0.838 0.312 4.714 2.829 5.392 0.624
Caughey, T EDM 5.49 0.825 0.327 5.271 2.151 6.571 0.642
Bodishbaugh, C VIC 5.94 1.267 0.296 6.983 4.422 7.747 0.592
Baeza, E VIC 6.48 0.871 0.266 4.452 3.387 6.463 0.656
Dessau, E CAL 6.78 1.000 0.312 5.400 3.600 7.539 0.606
Greusel, E CAL 6.81 0.939 0.372 7.043 1.409 7.206 0.711