
Frontier League

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Statistiques: Au bâton | Lanceur | En défensive | Team Totals

Stats de lanceur

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Joueur Équipe ERA PFR BIPA K/9 BB/9 ERC FPS%
Warner, A RC 2.94 1.957 0.152 11.152 6.457 2.301 0.631
Ackerman, H EVN 1.61 0.985 0.200 6.448 2.418 1.697 0.648
Olson, P EVN 5.29 1.235 0.385 7.941 3.176 6.516 0.650
Brammer, D RC 3.72 1.759 0.286 13.966 1.862 1.14 0.639
Koons, T RC 0.00 1.231 0.067 9.692 1.385 -.138 0.614
Wivinis, M EVN 3.93 1.145 0.185 6.382 3.927 2.175 0.500
Miller, J SIL 1.86 1.034 0.233 7.448 1.862 3.043 0.590
Sneed, Z RC 4.66 1.345 0.152 6.517 5.586 4.304 0.476
Ludwig, D RC 4.82 1.286 0.278 5.786 5.786 7.345 0.643
Frosch, K EVN 1.50 1.167 0.222 7.500 3.000 5.597 0.625
Zgardowski, J RC 3.00 2.000 0.286 15.000 3.000 2.794 0.667
Street, S RC 6.75 1.500 0.000 13.500 0.000 5.265 0.900
Teasley, R SIL 2.84 0.789 0.304 5.684 1.421 3.244 0.808
Treece, Z RC 0.00 1.500 0.300 10.800 2.700 2.684 0.643
Mott, E SIL 8.10 1.800 0.429 10.800 5.400 15.156 0.722
Hunter, S RC 11.57 2.571 0.545 15.429 7.714 26.257 0.467
McCurry, R EVN 0.00 0.818 0.200 7.364 0.000 .407 0.923
Mascheri, R SIL 0.00 2.500 0.200 13.500 9.000 3.215 0.750
Gregory, R RC 3.86 0.857 0.545 7.714 0.000 21.429 0.786
Weedman, S EVN 6.75 1.000 0.091 4.500 4.500 7.946 0.467
Thompson, T EVN 8.10 0.600 0.353 5.400 0.000 7.376 0.684
Schierholz, W RC 2.25 0.750 0.154 4.500 2.250 .787 0.500
Cooper, Z SIL 0.00 2.250 0.000 13.500 6.750 .356 0.400
DeBoo, C SIL 0.00 1.000 0.429 9.000 0.000 4.466 0.556
Tinius, K SIL 0.00 0.429 0.176 1.929 1.929 2.101 0.500
Gunn, M RC 0.00 1.500 0.000 13.500 0.000 -.56 0.000
Baez, F EVN 0.00 0.667 0.364 3.000 3.000 5.725 0.667
Trujillo, B SIL 27.03 3.000 0.500 0.000 27.000 188.028 1.000
Kennedy, N RC 0.00 0.000 0.143 0.000 0.000 1.833 1.000
Walch, T EVN 0.00 0.857 0.000 0.000 7.714 1.84 0.333
Lopez, A SIL 53.97 0.000 0.600 0.000 0.000 206.766 0.833
Sessions, C SIL 6.75 1.000 0.118 0.000 9.000 6.47 0.444
Pavlovich, J RC 81.08 3.000 0.600 0.000 27.000 281.021 0.800