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Statistics: Batting | Pitching | Fielding | Team Totals

Batting Stats

Batting Stats | Expanded Batting Stats | Sabermetric Batting Stats     [ Filter By : Last 7 | Last 30 ]


Abercrombie, R WP OF .284 .806 .492 .314 420
Haerther, C WP IF .360 .925 .535 .390 418
Kirby-Jones, A SF 1B .280 .933 .555 .378 379
Mazzola, J WP IF .265 .788 .464 .324 417
Songco, A SP 1B .269 .783 .464 .319 413
Kuhn, T WP IF .360 .897 .482 .415 467
Duffy, C SF 1B .242 .766 .437 .329 414
Bourquin, R FM 3B .240 .793 .423 .370 427
Carroll, S FM OF .258 .755 .380 .375 417
Webb, D WP OF .292 .797 .435 .362 416
Alen, L WP C .289 .732 .385 .347 363
Blackwood, J WP IF .321 .858 .494 .364 357
Jones, B SF OF .270 .694 .368 .326 416
Jackson, N FM CF .257 .702 .372 .330 421
Valencia, C SF OF .312 .793 .445 .348 412
Tinoco, S SF OF .282 .736 .389 .347 417
Cabrera, W SP OF .317 .864 .489 .375 355
Bonfe, J SP IF .300 .774 .392 .382 340
Mendez, C SF IF .276 .708 .391 .317 418
Paramore, P FM C .254 .722 .361 .361 330
Taylor, J SP C .283 .795 .466 .329 241
Thaut, D SP IF .342 .864 .445 .419 319
Penprase, Z FM SS .276 .739 .387 .352 411
Pineda, R WP IF .274 .761 .401 .360 294
Branca, S SF IF .260 .604 .318 .286 348
Dultz, K SF C .234 .633 .321 .312 288
Higgs, T FM C .271 .763 .422 .341 215
Tripp, B FM OF .263 .798 .438 .360 186
Kaskadden, A FM IF .213 .559 .280 .279 237
Becker, J SP IF .284 .735 .360 .375 377
Lind, S SF IF .242 .740 .396 .344 216
Bond, B WP IF .326 .818 .370 .448 284
Hitt, M SF C .250 .680 .368 .312 78
Forney, T SF SS .237 .544 .281 .263 125
Salerno, F FM IF .327 .860 .481 .379 58
Guida, J WP C .281 .700 .364 .336 134
Elliott, M SP OF .300 .714 .350 .364 46
Maus, S SP IF .323 .820 .376 .444 165
Thompson, M FM IF .293 .725 .439 .286 42
DiFazio, V SP C .256 .662 .302 .360 51
Coe, R SP P .000 .000 .000 .000 0
DeRatt, A SF P .000 .000 .000 .000 0
Garcia, N FM P .000 .000 .000 .000 1
Fuqua, K FM P .000 .000 .000 .000 0
Ernst, B FM P .000 .000 .000 .000 2
Kissock, C WP P .000 .000 .000 .000 0