Top of 1st
Green Bay Bullfrogs
#8 Jimmy Coady
Ball, Ball, Ball, Called Strike, Foul, 8 Jimmy Coady advances to 1st (walk)
#9 Bryant Burleson
Called Strike, Called Strike, 9 Bryant Burleson putout (strike out) for out number 1
#19 Boomer White
Called Strike, Called Strike, 8 Jimmy Coady advances to 2nd (stolen base), Ball, 19 Boomer White putout (strike out) for out number 2
#11 Nick Torres
Ball, 11 Nick Torres advances to 1st (error by the shortstop), 8 Jimmy Coady Scores Unearned (11)
#10 Tripp Martin
Called Strike, 10 Tripp Martin advances to 1st (single), 11 Nick Torres advances to 2nd (10)
#27 Ryan Drobny
Ball, Called Strike, Swinging Strike, 27 Ryan Drobny putout (4-3) for out number 3
Runs: 1, Hits: 1, Errors: 1, LOB: 2
Bottom of 1st
Madison Mallards
#15 John LaPrise
Ball, Ball, Swinging Strike, Called Strike, Ball, Foul, 15 John LaPrise advances to 1st (walk)
#16 Mike Reuvekamp
Ball, Ball, Called Strike, Foul, Ball, Foul, Foul, 15 John LaPrise putout (1-6) for out number 1, 16 Mike Reuvekamp putout (1-6-3 DP) for out number 2
#7 Joe McCarthy
Called Strike, Ball, Ball, 7 Joe McCarthy advances to 1st (single)
#18 Drew Weeks
Foul, Ball, 7 Joe McCarthy advances to 2nd (stolen base), Foul, Ball, 18 Drew Weeks putout (strike out swinging) for out number 3
Runs: 0, Hits: 1, Errors: 0, LOB: 1
Top of 2nd
Green Bay Bullfrogs
#24 Jose Godinez
Ball, Ball, Ball, Called Strike, Called Strike, 24 Jose Godinez advances to 1st (walk)
#5 Jack Parenty
Ball, 24 Jose Godinez putout (4-6) for out number 1, 5 Jack Parenty putout (4-6-3 DP) for out number 2
#2 Trevin Sonnier
Ball, Ball, Ball, 2 Trevin Sonnier advances to 1st (walk)
#8 Jimmy Coady
Ball, 2 Trevin Sonnier advances to 2nd (stolen base), Ball, Called Strike, Called Strike, 8 Jimmy Coady advances to 1st (single), 8 Jimmy Coady advances to 2nd (Throw), 2 Trevin Sonnier Scores Earned (8)
#9 Bryant Burleson
Ball, 9 Bryant Burleson putout (5-3) for out number 3
Runs: 1, Hits: 1, Errors: 0, LOB: 1
Bottom of 2nd
Madison Mallards
#35 Jason Goldstein
Ball, Ball, Ball, Called Strike, 35 Jason Goldstein advances to 1st (walk)
#22 Tate Matheny
Called Strike, 22 Tate Matheny advances to 1st (single), 35 Jason Goldstein advances to 2nd (22)
#0 Brock Stewart
Ball, 0 Brock Stewart advances to 1st (single), 22 Tate Matheny advances to 2nd (0), 35 Jason Goldstein Scores Earned (0)
#19 Jeff Zahn
Called Strike, Foul, 0 Brock Stewart advances to 2nd (19), 22 Tate Matheny advances to 3rd (19), 19 Jeff Zahn putout (1-3) for out number 1
#25 Erik Forgione
Ball, Foul, Foul, Foul, Foul, 25 Erik Forgione advances to 1st (hit by pitch)
#15 John LaPrise
Ball, 15 John LaPrise putout (fly out to left field) for out number 2
#16 Mike Reuvekamp
Foul, 16 Mike Reuvekamp advances to 1st (single), 25 Erik Forgione advances to 3rd (16), 22 Tate Matheny Scores Earned (16), 0 Brock Stewart Scores Earned (16)
#7 Joe McCarthy
Ball, Called Strike, 7 Joe McCarthy putout (fly out to left field) for out number 3
Runs: 3, Hits: 3, Errors: 0, LOB: 2
Top of 3rd
Green Bay Bullfrogs
#19 Boomer White
Ball, 19 Boomer White advances to 1st (single), 19 Boomer White advances to 2nd (error by the center fielder)
#11 Nick Torres
Foul, Ball, 19 Boomer White advances to 3rd (11), 11 Nick Torres putout (6-3) for out number 1
#10 Tripp Martin
Ball, Ball, Ball, Foul, Called Strike, 10 Tripp Martin advances to 1st (error by the shortstop)
#27 Ryan Drobny
Ball, Ball, Called Strike, 19 Boomer White putout (caught stealing: CS 2-5) for out number 2, Ball, 10 Tripp Martin advances to 2nd (stolen base), Called Strike, 27 Ryan Drobny advances to 1st (walk)
#24 Jose Godinez
Called Strike, Called Strike, Ball, 10 Tripp Martin advances to 3rd (stolen base), 24 Jose Godinez putout (strike out) for out number 3
Runs: 0, Hits: 1, Errors: 2, LOB: 2
Bottom of 3rd
Madison Mallards
#18 Drew Weeks
Ball, Called Strike, 18 Drew Weeks putout (fly out to the second baseman) for out number 1
#35 Jason Goldstein
Ball, Called Strike, 35 Jason Goldstein putout (6-3) for out number 2
#22 Tate Matheny
Foul, Swinging Strike, Foul, Ball, Foul, 22 Tate Matheny putout (6-3) for out number 3
Runs: 0, Hits: 0, Errors: 0, LOB: 0
Top of 4th
Green Bay Bullfrogs
#5 Jack Parenty
Foul, Called Strike, Foul, 5 Jack Parenty putout (fly out to center field) for out number 1
#2 Trevin Sonnier
Ball, Ball, Ball, 2 Trevin Sonnier advances to 1st (walk)
#8 Jimmy Coady
Called Strike, 2 Trevin Sonnier advances to 2nd (error by the pitcher), Ball, Called Strike, Foul, 8 Jimmy Coady putout (6-3) for out number 2
#9 Bryant Burleson
Foul, Ball, 9 Bryant Burleson putout (1-3) for out number 3
Runs: 0, Hits: 0, Errors: 1, LOB: 1
Bottom of 4th
Madison Mallards
#0 Brock Stewart
Called Strike, Foul, 0 Brock Stewart putout (strike out) for out number 1
#19 Jeff Zahn
Ball, Swinging Strike, 19 Jeff Zahn putout (fly out to left field) for out number 2
#25 Erik Forgione
Ball, Ball, Called Strike, Called Strike, 25 Erik Forgione putout (strike out swinging) for out number 3
Runs: 0, Hits: 0, Errors: 0, LOB: 0
Top of 5th
Green Bay Bullfrogs
#19 Boomer White
Foul, Ball, Called Strike, Ball, 19 Boomer White advances to 1st (single)
#11 Nick Torres
Ball, Foul, 11 Nick Torres advances to 2nd (double), 19 Boomer White advances to 3rd (11)
#10 Tripp Martin
Ball, Foul, 19 Boomer White Scores Earned (10), 10 Tripp Martin putout (sacrifice fly to center fielder) for out number 1, 11 Nick Torres putout (8-3-5) for out number 2
#27 Ryan Drobny
Ball, 27 Ryan Drobny advances to 1st (single)
#24 Jose Godinez
Called Strike, Ball, 27 Ryan Drobny advances to 2nd (wild pitch), Foul, Ball, Ball, 24 Jose Godinez putout (strike out) for out number 3
Runs: 1, Hits: 3, Errors: 0, LOB: 1
Bottom of 5th
Madison Mallards
Defensive Substitution
12 Tom Sawyer subs for Jimmy Coady at Left Field.
#15 John LaPrise
Foul, Ball, Foul, 15 John LaPrise putout (fly out to the shortstop) for out number 1
#16 Mike Reuvekamp
Ball, Ball, Ball, Called Strike, Foul, Foul, 16 Mike Reuvekamp advances to 1st (single)
#7 Joe McCarthy
Foul, 16 Mike Reuvekamp putout (caught stealing: CS 1-3-6) for out number 2, Ball, Foul, Foul, Ball, Ball, 7 Joe McCarthy advances to 1st (walk)
#18 Drew Weeks
Ball, Ball, Ball, 18 Drew Weeks advances to 1st (walk), 7 Joe McCarthy advances to 2nd (18)
#35 Jason Goldstein
Called Strike, Ball, Ball, Ball, Called Strike, 35 Jason Goldstein putout (strike out swinging) for out number 3
Runs: 0, Hits: 1, Errors: 0, LOB: 2
Top of 6th
Green Bay Bullfrogs
Pitching Substitution
3 Kristian Calibuso subs for Taylore Cherry Pitcher.
#5 Jack Parenty
Called Strike, 5 Jack Parenty putout (4-3) for out number 1
#2 Trevin Sonnier
Ball, Ball, Called Strike, Foul, 2 Trevin Sonnier putout (strike out) for out number 2
#12 Tom Sawyer
12 Tom Sawyer advances to 1st (hit by pitch)
#9 Bryant Burleson
9 Bryant Burleson advances to 1st (error by the third baseman), 12 Tom Sawyer advances to 2nd (9)
#19 Boomer White
Ball, Ball, Called Strike, Foul, Ball, 19 Boomer White advances to 1st (walk), 9 Bryant Burleson advances to 2nd (19), 12 Tom Sawyer advances to 3rd (19)
#11 Nick Torres
Ball, 11 Nick Torres putout (5-4) for out number 3
Runs: 0, Hits: 0, Errors: 1, LOB: 3
Bottom of 6th
Madison Mallards
Pitching Substitution
26 Josh Daniels subs for Garrett Harrison Pitcher.
#22 Tate Matheny
Ball, 22 Tate Matheny Scores Earned (home run)
#0 Brock Stewart
Foul, Swinging Strike, Ball, Ball, 0 Brock Stewart advances to 1st (single)
#19 Jeff Zahn
Called Strike, Ball, Swinging Strike, Foul, Ball, 19 Jeff Zahn advances to 1st (single), 0 Brock Stewart advances to 3rd (19)
#25 Erik Forgione
Called Strike, Foul, Ball, 19 Jeff Zahn advances to 2nd (25), 0 Brock Stewart Scores Earned (25), 25 Erik Forgione putout (4-3) for out number 1
#15 John LaPrise
Foul, Ball, Ball, 19 Jeff Zahn advances to 3rd (pass ball), Ball, 19 Jeff Zahn Scores Earned (15), 15 John LaPrise putout (sacrifice fly to left fielder) for out number 2
#16 Mike Reuvekamp
16 Mike Reuvekamp putout (1-3) for out number 3
Runs: 3, Hits: 3, Errors: 0, LOB: 0
Top of 7th
Green Bay Bullfrogs
#10 Tripp Martin
Called Strike, 10 Tripp Martin advances to 1st (single)
#27 Ryan Drobny
Ball, Called Strike, 10 Tripp Martin Scores Earned (27), 27 Ryan Drobny Scores Earned (home run)
#24 Jose Godinez
Ball, Ball, Ball, Swinging Strike, Swinging Strike, 24 Jose Godinez putout (strike out) for out number 1
#5 Jack Parenty
Called Strike, 5 Jack Parenty advances to 1st (error by the third baseman)
#2 Trevin Sonnier
Called Strike, Called Strike, Ball, Ball, 5 Jack Parenty advances to 2nd (stolen base), 2 Trevin Sonnier putout (strike out) for out number 2
Pitching Substitution
11 Hunter May subs for Kristian Calibuso Pitcher.
#12 Tom Sawyer
Ball, Ball, Ball, Called Strike, 12 Tom Sawyer advances to 1st (single), 5 Jack Parenty advances to 3rd (12), 12 Tom Sawyer putout (caught stealing: CS 1-3) for out number 3
Runs: 2, Hits: 3, Errors: 1, LOB: 1
Bottom of 7th
Madison Mallards
Pitching Substitution
29 Calen Rohrman subs for Josh Daniels Pitcher.
#7 Joe McCarthy
Called Strike, Called Strike, Ball, Ball, Foul, 7 Joe McCarthy putout (fly out to left field) for out number 1
#18 Drew Weeks
Called Strike, Called Strike, 18 Drew Weeks putout (5-3) for out number 2
#35 Jason Goldstein
Foul, Ball, Ball, Ball, 35 Jason Goldstein advances to 1st (walk)
#22 Tate Matheny
22 Tate Matheny advances to 1st (hit by pitch), 35 Jason Goldstein advances to 2nd (22)
#0 Brock Stewart
Called Strike, Ball, Called Strike, Foul, 0 Brock Stewart putout (fly out to center field) for out number 3
Runs: 0, Hits: 0, Errors: 0, LOB: 2
Top of 8th
Green Bay Bullfrogs
#9 Bryant Burleson
Ball, Called Strike, Ball, Foul, Foul, Foul, 9 Bryant Burleson putout (dropped 3rd strike: KS 2) for out number 1
#19 Boomer White
Ball, Ball, Called Strike, Foul, 19 Boomer White putout (4-3) for out number 2
#11 Nick Torres
11 Nick Torres advances to 1st (single)
#10 Tripp Martin
Ball, Ball, Swinging Strike, Ball, 10 Tripp Martin putout (fly out to the second baseman) for out number 3
Runs: 0, Hits: 1, Errors: 0, LOB: 1
Bottom of 8th
Madison Mallards
#19 Jeff Zahn
19 Jeff Zahn putout (fly out to the shortstop) for out number 1
#25 Erik Forgione
Swinging Strike, 25 Erik Forgione advances to 1st (hit by pitch)
#15 John LaPrise
Ball, 25 Erik Forgione advances to 2nd (stolen base), 15 John LaPrise putout (4-3) for out number 2
#16 Mike Reuvekamp
Ball, Ball, Ball, Called Strike, 16 Mike Reuvekamp advances to 1st (walk)
#7 Joe McCarthy
Ball, Called Strike, 7 Joe McCarthy putout (fly out to right field) for out number 3
Runs: 0, Hits: 0, Errors: 0, LOB: 2
Top of 9th
Green Bay Bullfrogs
#27 Ryan Drobny
Ball, Ball, Ball, Called Strike, 27 Ryan Drobny putout (4-3) for out number 1
Offensive Substitution
17 Robert Youngdahl subs for Jose Godinez.
#17 Robert Youngdahl
Ball, Ball, Called Strike, Foul, Ball, 17 Robert Youngdahl advances to 1st (walk)
#5 Jack Parenty
Called Strike, Called Strike, Ball, 5 Jack Parenty advances to 1st (fielder's choice), 17 Robert Youngdahl putout (4-6) for out number 2
#2 Trevin Sonnier
Ball, Swinging Strike, Ball, Foul, 2 Trevin Sonnier putout (strike out) for out number 3
Runs: 0, Hits: 0, Errors: 0, LOB: 1