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River City Rascals - Stats


Statistics: Batting | Pitching | Fielding | Last 7 days


Pitching Stats | Expanded Pitching Stats | Sabermetric Pitching Stats | Print
x Morgan, W 2.07 1.615 .267 10.385 4.154 5.33 0.600
Miramontes, D 2.19 1.556 .222 9.788 4.219 2.908 0.650
Krout, W 2.45 1.074 .276 7.517 2.148 3.354 0.690
Moran, G 2.67 1.081 .281 7.946 1.784 3.216 0.639
Rivers, K 2.84 1.358 .265 9.095 3.126 4.676 0.728
x Lowey, J 2.90 2 .263 13.935 4.065 3.498 0.573
Zablan, K 3.15 1.075 .194 6.525 3.150 3.174 0.640
Lowey, Jo 3.54 1.299 .308 7.737 3.949 4.809 0.597
Sterner, Z 3.61 1.169 .239 5.965 4.552 5.379 0.622
Zink, R 3.61 .951 .289 6.509 2.049 3.9 0.652
Berkowitz, E 4.15 1.385 .25 8.308 4.154 5.662 0.588
Marsala, T 4.19 1.18 .262 6.668 3.951 4.773 0.625
Woodward, T 4.33 .575 .278 3.637 1.539 4.512 0.686
x Rose, J 4.80 .8 .254 4.8 2.400 5.153 0.507
Phillips, N 4.95 1.45 .343 11.25 1.800 4.53 0.656
x Patterson, P 7.00 .926 .303 6 2.333 7.262 0.669
x Soto, D 7.14 2.294 .306 13.5 7.147 5.506 0.642
x Miller, G 24.30 3.6 .136 5.4 27.000 14.796 0.591
Total 3.65 83.52