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Statistics: Batting | Pitching | Fielding | Team Totals

Pitching Stats

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ERA - Minimum inning(s) pitched per team game - .8  

Player Team ERA PFR BIPA K/9 BB/9 ERC FPS%
Sherren, J PE1 0.00 1.625 0.250 11.250 3.375 1.936 0.676
MacDougall, C PE1 0.00 2.870 0.143 24.652 1.174 -.26 0.821
Noseworthy, M NL1 2.80 1.000 0.158 3.600 5.400 2.027 0.571
Wall, N NB1 2.80 1.400 0.222 7.200 5.400 3.129 0.619
Grant, M PE1 3.50 0.833 0.273 6.000 1.500 3.792 0.692
Pennell, C NL2 3.94 1.688 0.435 10.125 5.063 9.605 0.793
Shakotko, D NB1 5.00 3.143 0.125 15.429 12.857 3.596 0.667
Butt, K NL1 5.25 2.000 0.333 9.000 9.000 8.585 0.864
Randell Snow, D NL1 6.00 1.143 0.222 6.429 3.857 2.569 0.000
Holwell, R NL1 7.00 1.714 0.320 11.571 3.857 3.856 0.794
Walsh, B NL2 7.00 1.600 0.414 7.200 7.200 14.465 0.424
Galbraith, R NB1 9.80 1.400 0.318 9.000 3.600 5.009 0.885
Frelich, N NL2 19.09 0.818 0.500 4.909 2.455 17.505 0.833