
Can-Am League

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Statistics: Batting | Pitching | Fielding | Team Totals

Batting Stats

Batting Stats | Expanded Batting Stats | Sabermetric Batting Stats     [ Filter By : Last 7 | Last 30 ]

AVG - Minimum of plate appearances per team game - 2.7  

Pineda, R SUS 2B .476 1.214 .714 .500 30
Bladel, J SUS LF .444 1.003 .444 .559 34
Abercrombie, R SUS CF .400 .960 .560 .400 25
Ramirez, R OTT 2B .397 .990 .559 .431 76
Castro, L NJ RF .361 .943 .525 .418 67
Cardullo, S ROC LF .361 1.059 .625 .434 83
Bell, A QC RF .341 1.034 .634 .400 45
Gomez, A NJ 2B .313 .709 .349 .360 95
Brown, S TRV CF .311 .839 .475 .364 67
Bryant, K SUS 1B .308 1.033 .654 .379 29
Manduley, Y QC SS .302 .730 .397 .333 66
Threlkeld, M NJ 3B .299 .887 .519 .368 87
Law, C ROC 1B .297 .868 .484 .384 74
Kirby-Jones, A NJ DH .296 .936 .556 .380 92
Hertler, C TRV LF .293 .862 .431 .431 72
Gurriel, Y QC LF .286 .604 .286 .318 44
Boucher, S OTT CF .286 .795 .400 .395 87
Maloney, J ROC RF .284 .902 .507 .395 81
Grabe, E TRV 3B .279 .714 .395 .319 48
Cuevas, J TRV 2B .276 .674 .379 .295 62
Arrojo, J ROC SS .275 .678 .319 .359 81
Lafrenz, K TRV C .275 .631 .275 .356 45
McDonald, J ROC CF .274 .699 .342 .357 85
Smith, T QC 1B .273 .797 .386 .411 56
Sams, K QC CF .273 .889 .545 .344 61
Massanari, B OTT C .271 .697 .339 .358 67
Blaquiere, J QC DH .269 .663 .385 .278 55
Young, T QC 3B .267 .793 .400 .393 56
Schlehuber, J NJ 1B .266 .724 .344 .380 79
Nidiffer, M ROC C .262 1.098 .769 .329 75
Mooney, P NJ SS .261 .650 .330 .320 98
Papccio, G ROC 2B .258 .729 .439 .290 70
Caldwell, T NJ C .255 .744 .373 .371 63
Malo, J QC 2B .254 .736 .403 .333 77
Cartwright, A OTT 3B .239 .675 .380 .295 79
Hernandez, J SUS DH .238 .637 .333 .304 23
Schwartz, M OTT LF .236 .704 .375 .329 82
Winder, C OTT RF .229 .546 .257 .289 76
Peley, J QC C .226 .609 .355 .254 67
Talley, J OTT 1B .224 .585 .379 .206 63
Nyisztor, S ROC DH .219 .610 .328 .282 72
Lopez, P TRV SS .217 .496 .250 .246 67
Mateo, D TRV 1B .203 .525 .237 .288 66
Miranda, S SUS IF .200 .635 .267 .368 19
Helms, M NJ LF .193 .531 .298 .233 60
Bick, D OTT SS .170 .450 .226 .224 62
Morales, C SUS SS .167 .426 .167 .259 27
Smith, J TRV DH .156 .396 .156 .240 50
Thaut, D SUS 3B .120 .353 .120 .233 31