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West - Stats


Statistics: Batting | Pitching | Fielding | Team Totals

Batting Stats

Batting Stats | Expanded Batting Stats | Sabermetric Batting Stats     [ Filter By : Last 7 | Last 30 ]

AVG - Minimum of plate appearances per team game - 2.7  

Kennedy, S SIL IF .363 54.6 .134 .629 .418 .15 63.155
Allen, J EVN IF .354 38.556 .139 .686 .45 .228 90.552
Silver, J RC IF .352 25.222 .100 1 .322 .181 50.972
Chirino, S NOR IF .334 99.5 .042 .75 .118 .073 58.803
Dudley, A NOR IF .327 18.333 .160 1.065 .467 .248 83.485
Oldham, T FLO IF .324 23.571 .113 1.154 .382 .194 69.312
Kelly, D NOR C .311 112.667 .049 .3 .139 .086 46.298
Gaedele, K RC OF .308 21.571 .105 .463 .404 .209 59.823
Jurgella, M RC C .304 52 .109 .702 .3 .15 45.106
Henderson, J FLO OF .298 122.5 .071 .442 .151 .082 32.409
Massey, C SIL OF .295 59 .137 1.297 .353 .139 50.379
Merjano, J RC IF .291 70.8 .037 .264 .189 .121 46.418
Earley, N SIL OF .291 39.333 .104 .632 .271 .144 56.635
Gomez, R EVN IF .290 63.4 .078 .4 .3 .126 45.913
Ludy, J RC C .289 84.75 .088 .739 .192 .088 45.298
Marino, S SIL IF .288 23.188 .055 .449 .259 .202 59.74
Gates, A SIL OF .288 48.125 .109 .842 .268 .125 58.386
Tewell, T GAT C .288 22.727 .051 .341 .244 .188 38.765
Godbold, A FLO OF .287 24.154 .089 .542 .354 .197 53.595
Balog, N EVN 1B .283 66.4 .088 .702 .205 .096 43.841
Morales, J RC IF .281 84.333 .095 1.217 .213 .095 33.47
Rodriguez, J EVN C .281 0 .025 .467 .106 .076 28.2
Riopedre, C EVN IF .278 58.2 .105 .547 .278 .093 38.429
Meadows, N NOR OF .277 13.37 .089 .383 .371 .28 68.856
Breen, C EVN 1B .274 29.6 .088 .309 .277 .186 46.307
Enslen, R RC OF .272 35.875 .076 .385 .226 .143 39.285
Davis, L GAT IF .270 159.5 .080 .725 .21 .085 37.342
Colon, A RC OF .266 15.471 .195 1.204 .567 .259 56.799
Livesay, C GAT OF .264 345 .099 .629 .177 .041 35.547
Newell, A FLO OF .259 89.75 .092 .881 .223 .089 41.035
Weaver, T FLO IF .258 77.5 .070 .407 .184 .081 32.695
De Leon, A SIL IF .256 23.714 .132 .589 .346 .19 53.049
Haupt, D NOR OF .253 21.176 .066 .333 .281 .208 50.316
Heck, S GAT IF .249 289 .082 .551 .138 .042 26.316
Massoni, C GAT IF .248 24.214 .114 .672 .316 .183 49.047
Thomas, B GAT OF .241 29.818 .130 .505 .369 .162 45.277
Fraga, D FLO IF .239 339 .144 .789 .295 .056 35.338
Schultz, J EVN OF .236 63.5 .120 .735 .248 .11 29.131
Cuthrell, C FLO OF .233 24.077 .122 .672 .332 .173 41.86
Waldrip, B GAT IF .233 24.333 .042 .224 .205 .161 30.541
Sweeney, C EVN OF .224 21.091 .114 .397 .319 .177 29.35
Rosario, F SIL IF .213 0 .136 .459 .213 .036 22.286