Top of 1st
Newfoundland and Labrador
#5 Josh Lane
5 Josh Lane putout (3U) for out number 1
#16 Steven Brien
Foul, Ball, 16 Steven Brien putout (3U) for out number 2
#35 Dylan Moss
Ball, Called Strike, Called Strike, 35 Dylan Moss putout (F5) for out number 3
Defensive Substitution
4 Kieran Buckingham subs for Dylan Moss at First Base.
Runs: 0, Hits: 0, Errors: 0, LOB: 0
Bottom of 1st
British Columbia
#14 Keaton Briscoe
Ball, Ball, Ball, 14 Keaton Briscoe advances to 1st (BB)
#9 Kellin Deglan
Called Strike, Ball, Ball, Ball, 14 Keaton Briscoe advances to 2nd (SB 9), 14 Keaton Briscoe Scores Earned (9), 9 Kellin Deglan Scores Earned (HR)
#27 DJ Boschman
Called Strike, Ball, 27 DJ Boschman putout (F8) for out number 1
#28 Brandon Willier
Called Strike, Swinging Strike, 28 Brandon Willier putout (6-3) for out number 2
#18 Darren Kolk
Foul, Ball, Ball, Foul, 18 Darren Kolk advances to 1st (1B ), 18 Darren Kolk advances to 2nd (E4)
#30 Mike Hole
30 Mike Hole advances to 1st (1B ), 18 Darren Kolk Scores Unearned (30)
#24 TJ Watson
Ball, Ball, Swinging Strike, 30 Mike Hole advances to 2nd (30), 24 TJ Watson putout (F8) for out number 3
Runs: 3, Hits: 3, Errors: 1, LOB: 1
Top of 2nd
Newfoundland and Labrador
#10 Grant Vincent
Ball, 10 Grant Vincent putout (5-3) for out number 1
#13 Stefan Lono
Foul, Called Strike, Ball, Foul, 13 Stefan Lono putout (F7) for out number 2
#42 Mark McWhirter
Foul, Foul, Foul, 42 Mark McWhirter putout (K) for out number 3
Runs: 0, Hits: 0, Errors: 0, LOB: 0
Bottom of 2nd
British Columbia
#33 Oscar Rodriguez
Ball, 33 Oscar Rodriguez advances to 1st (1B )
#7 Adam Masse
Ball, 7 Adam Masse advances to 1st (E5), 7 Adam Masse advances to 2nd (E4), 33 Oscar Rodriguez advances to 3rd (7)
#14 Keaton Briscoe
Called Strike, 14 Keaton Briscoe advances to 1st (1B )
#9 Kellin Deglan
Ball, Ball, Ball, 14 Keaton Briscoe advances to 2nd (14), 9 Kellin Deglan putout (3u) for out number 1
#27 DJ Boschman
Swinging Strike, Ball, Ball, Swinging Strike, Ball, 27 DJ Boschman advances to 2nd (2B ), 14 Keaton Briscoe Scores Unearned (27), 33 Oscar Rodriguez Scores Unearned (27), 7 Adam Masse Scores Unearned (27)
#28 Brandon Willier
Swinging Strike, 28 Brandon Willier putout (6-3) for out number 2
#18 Darren Kolk
18 Darren Kolk putout (4-3) for out number 3
Runs: 3, Hits: 3, Errors: 2, LOB: 1
Top of 3rd
Newfoundland and Labrador
#22 Ryan Legge
Called Strike, Swinging Strike, 22 Ryan Legge putout (K) for out number 1
#2 Brad Penney
2 Brad Penney advances to 1st (E6)
#9 Justin King
Foul, Swinging Strike, Ball, 9 Justin King advances to 1st (FC)
#5 Josh Lane
Ball, Swinging Strike, Swinging Strike, 9 Justin King advances to 2nd (2), 2 Brad Penney putout (4-6) for out number 2, 5 Josh Lane putout (3-1) for out number 3
Runs: 0, Hits: 0, Errors: 1, LOB: 1
Bottom of 3rd
British Columbia
Pitching Substitution
11 Danny Phillips subs for Noah Anderson.
#30 Mike Hole
30 Mike Hole advances to 1st (HBP), 30 Mike Hole advances to 2nd (WP 24)
#24 TJ Watson
24 TJ Watson advances to 1st (BB)
#33 Oscar Rodriguez
Called Strike, Ball, 24 TJ Watson advances to 2nd (WP 33), 30 Mike Hole advances to 3rd (WP 33), 33 Oscar Rodriguez putout (6-3) for out number 1
#7 Adam Masse
30 Mike Hole Scores Earned (24), Ball, Ball, Ball, Swinging Strike, 7 Adam Masse advances to 1st (1B ), 24 TJ Watson advances to 3rd (7)
#14 Keaton Briscoe
Ball, Foul, Ball, Ball, Foul, 14 Keaton Briscoe advances to 1st (BB), 7 Adam Masse advances to 2nd (14)
#9 Kellin Deglan
9 Kellin Deglan advances to 1st (1B ), 14 Keaton Briscoe advances to 2nd (9), 7 Adam Masse advances to 3rd (9), 24 TJ Watson Scores Earned (9), 9 Kellin Deglan putout (4-6) for out number 2
#27 DJ Boschman
27 DJ Boschman advances to 1st (FC), 7 Adam Masse Scores Earned (27)
#28 Brandon Willier
28 Brandon Willier putout (3U) for out number 3
Runs: 3, Hits: 2, Errors: 0, LOB: 2
Top of 4th
Newfoundland and Labrador
#16 Steven Brien
16 Steven Brien advances to 1st (1B )
#4 Kieran Buckingham
Swinging Strike, Ball, Swinging Strike, 4 Kieran Buckingham putout (KS) for out number 1
#10 Grant Vincent
Ball, 10 Grant Vincent putout (2U) for out number 2
#13 Stefan Lono
Called Strike, Called Strike, 13 Stefan Lono putout (K) for out number 3
Runs: 0, Hits: 1, Errors: 0, LOB: 1
Bottom of 4th
British Columbia
Defensive Substitution
15 John Blackmore subs at Left Field.
#18 Darren Kolk
18 Darren Kolk putout (6-3) for out number 1
#30 Mike Hole
Ball, Called Strike, Swinging Strike, Foul, Ball, Foul, Ball, 30 Mike Hole putout (K) for out number 2
#24 TJ Watson
Ball, Ball, Foul, Called Strike, 24 TJ Watson advances to 1st (1B )
Offensive Substitution
31 Steve McKinnon subs for Oscar Rodriguez.
#31 Steve McKinnon
Foul, Ball, 31 Steve McKinnon advances to 1st (1B ), 24 TJ Watson advances to 2nd (31)
#7 Adam Masse
Called Strike, Ball, Ball, 7 Adam Masse advances to 1st (1B ), 31 Steve McKinnon advances to 2nd (7), 24 TJ Watson advances to 3rd (7)
#14 Keaton Briscoe
Ball, Called Strike, Swinging Strike, Ball, Foul, Ball, 14 Keaton Briscoe advances to 1st (1B ), 7 Adam Masse advances to 3rd (14), 24 TJ Watson Scores Earned (14), 31 Steve McKinnon Scores Earned (14)
#9 Kellin Deglan
Swinging Strike, Called Strike, Ball, 14 Keaton Briscoe advances to 2nd (E9)
Runs: 2, Hits: 4, Errors: 1, LOB: 2
Top of 5th
Newfoundland and Labrador
Defensive Substitution
31 Steve McKinnon subs at First Base.
#42 Mark McWhirter
42 Mark McWhirter advances to 1st (1B )
#22 Ryan Legge
Swinging Strike, Ball, Ball, Swinging Strike, 22 Ryan Legge putout (KS) for out number 1
#2 Brad Penney
Called Strike, Called Strike, 2 Brad Penney putout (KS) for out number 2
#9 Justin King
Ball, Foul, Foul, Ball, 9 Justin King putout (F7) for out number 3
Pitching Substitution
45 Dave Walkling subs for Dan Britton-Foster.
Runs: 0, Hits: 1, Errors: 0, LOB: 1