
West Coast League

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Statistics: Batting | Pitching | Fielding | Team Totals

Pitching Stats

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Player Team ERA PFR BIPA K/9 BB/9 ERC FPS%
Perez, J Corv 1.17 0.783 0.133 6.457 0.587 .392 0.679
Naderer, A Corv 1.08 1.200 0.130 7.560 3.240 1.743 0.581
Surrey, E Corv 1.29 0.429 0.269 2.571 1.286 2.518 0.571
Bishop, C Corv 9.00 1.500 0.000 9.000 4.500 6.46 0.556
Tokunaga, C MED 2.70 0.600 0.250 2.700 2.700 10.376 0.529
Forsythe, J MED 3.00 0.833 0.120 1.500 6.000 2.392 0.400
Barker, D Corv 11.57 1.286 0.500 7.714 3.857 12.607 0.750
Keene, D MED 26.99 4.500 0.500 13.500 27.000 143.146 0.429
Morrison, C MED 0.00 3.000 0.333 13.500 13.500 37.171 0.750
Nesbitt, A Corv 0.00 4.500 0.500 27.000 13.500 37.171 0.500
Feldtman, C Corv 0.00 6.000 0.000 27.000 27.000 24.64 0.500
Coronado, C MED 4.50 0.833 0.185 1.500 6.000 7.66 0.533
Williams, B MED 81.08 12.000 0.000 0.000 108.000 160.72 0.400