
Intercounty Baseball League

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IBL - Stats


Statistics: Batting | Pitching | Fielding | Team Totals

Batting Stats

Batting Stats | Expanded Batting Stats | Sabermetric Batting Stats     [ Filter By : Last 7 | Last 30 ]

AVG - Minimum of plate appearances per team game - 3.1  

Castaldo, J Bar IF .414 1.257 .757 .500 168
Reilly, S Kit 1B .408 1.314 .792 .522 161
Lewis, S Bar OF .379 1.036 .516 .520 123
Whiteside, D Kit P .375 1.168 .675 .493 152
Celestijn, D Ham OF .360 .972 .529 .443 158
Reichstein, B Ldn OF .358 1.013 .577 .436 140
David, S Kit C .358 .901 .466 .435 173
Dennis, C Ldn OF .346 1.156 .702 .454 130
Kandel, K Gue IF .346 .822 .404 .418 179
Interisano, J Gue C .344 1.110 .672 .438 144
LaMantia, P Ldn LF .340 .816 .422 .394 165
McLaren, C Gue OF .337 .900 .469 .431 116
Martin, J Burl 1B .336 .837 .453 .384 138
Hunt, J Bfd IF .331 .881 .451 .430 158
Nivins, T Kit OF .327 1.122 .723 .399 178
Yari, B Gue 1B .325 1.008 .508 .500 164
Topolie, D Tor C .324 .789 .410 .379 155
Spataro, R Bar OF .322 .832 .435 .397 131
Weglarz, N Bfd 1B .319 1.027 .558 .469 147
Rizquez, A Ham OF .316 .839 .496 .343 140
Jackson, G Tor OF .315 .812 .415 .397 151
Borjas, R Tor OF .311 .790 .398 .392 121
Delfino, L Bfd IF .308 .845 .481 .364 119
Bostick, B Bfd SS .307 .764 .366 .398 119
Waltenbury, J Tor 1B .305 .870 .500 .370 135
Gappa, K Ham OF .304 .783 .432 .351 134
Cowan, J Bar OF .303 .838 .394 .444 134
Strzalkowski, D Ldn C .298 .778 .421 .357 126
Marra, D Tor 2B .297 .723 .338 .385 171
Garton, J Gue OF .288 .941 .602 .339 127
Infante, B Bar SS .286 .949 .564 .385 156
Silvestri, S Gue OF .281 .744 .421 .323 131
Mombourquette, C Ldn IF .280 .690 .348 .342 147
Lytwynec, P Ldn IF .279 .641 .328 .313 129
Solazzo, J Ham IF .264 .682 .349 .333 120
Bell, B Kit IF .258 .722 .425 .297 128
Brownlee, C Ldn IF .257 .777 .465 .312 157
Pietraszko, J Kit OF .250 .661 .325 .336 141
Alliman, T Bfd RF .245 .710 .367 .343 172
DeGrace, K Bar C .239 .620 .319 .301 158
Fernandez, J Bar IF .237 .693 .320 .373 121
Beer, C Ham IF .236 .727 .368 .359 128
Richards, W Bfd C .233 .685 .320 .365 128
Tamane, G Tor PH .232 .566 .242 .324 114
Doran, B Gue OF .221 .613 .274 .339 112
Andrulis, M Kit IF .216 .578 .284 .294 120
Stewart, C Bfd IF .214 .581 .262 .319 123
Mattson, S Tor 3B .211 .740 .394 .346 134
Duckett, D Kit OF .210 .537 .218 .319 141
Coker, J Bar 2B .210 .613 .303 .310 146
Treccia, D Burl RF .200 .610 .363 .247 146
Jagdeo, D Ham DH .189 .585 .261 .324 136
Alvarez, T Tor C .110 .482 .230 .252 122