
Can-Am League

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Statistics: Batting | Pitching | Fielding | Team Totals

Pitching Stats

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ERA - Minimum inning(s) pitched per team game - .8  

Player Team ERA PFR BIPA K/9 BB/9 ERC FPS%
Duda, J QC 2.10 1.259 0.253 9.310 2.017 2.288 0.549
GĂ©linas, K QC 2.66 0.886 0.275 6.886 1.091 2.872 0.705
Ness, M NEW 3.15 0.902 0.247 6.105 2.014 3.227 0.676
Pavlik, I NJ 3.21 1.056 0.294 7.792 1.709 3.742 0.675
Fox, S NJ 3.57 1.341 0.236 9.214 2.857 2.948 0.618
Moran, P ROC 3.82 1.101 0.242 6.993 2.914 3.554 0.714
Jurik, D ROC 4.14 1.246 0.254 7.512 3.702 4.951 0.616
Rembisz, B QC 4.17 0.718 0.252 4.021 2.441 4.078 0.559
Greenwalt, K NJ 4.22 1.099 0.267 6.827 3.068 4.532 0.544
Rivera, P NEW 4.77 1.009 0.251 4.846 4.231 5.44 0.558
Velasquez, J ROC 4.95 1.124 0.229 5.930 4.186 4.425 0.646
Clark, C NJ 5.22 1.086 0.272 5.889 3.889 5.493 0.624