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West - Stats


Statistics: Batting | Pitching | Fielding | Team Totals

Batting Stats

Batting Stats | Expanded Batting Stats | Sabermetric Batting Stats     [ Filter By : Last 7 | Last 30 ]


Breen, C EVN 1B .400 1.119 .657 .462 39
Merjano, J RC IF .152 .586 .364 .222 36
Balog, N EVN 1B .306 .713 .389 .324 37
Gardner, J EVN OF .172 .687 .414 .273 33
Gaedele, K RC OF .265 .736 .412 .324 37
Gomez, R EVN IF .282 .743 .410 .333 43
Riopedre, C EVN IF .188 .539 .250 .289 39
Jurgella, M RC C .300 .733 .333 .400 35
Allen, J EVN IF .214 .786 .357 .429 43
Sweeney, C EVN OF .258 .698 .355 .343 35
Freeman, C RC IF .345 .773 .379 .394 33
Rodriguez, J EVN C .250 .671 .406 .265 34
De Leon, A SIL IF .214 .767 .500 .267 15
Ludy, J RC C .353 .848 .412 .436 39
Silver, J RC IF .324 .733 .382 .351 38
Marino, S SIL IF .200 .400 .200 .200 15
Massey, C SIL OF .091 .424 .091 .333 15
Gates, A SIL OF .286 .983 .571 .412 17
DeMello, T SIL C .250 .583 .250 .333 6
Moore, R SIL C .222 .444 .222 .222 9
Wertz Jr., K SIL OF .250 1.067 .667 .400 15
Martinez, B RC IF .333 1.666 1.333 .333 3
Yamaguchi, K EVN C .000 .000 .000 .000 0
Schultz, J EVN OF .214 .603 .250 .353 34
Martin, W SIL IF .000 .000 .000 .000 5
Morales, J RC IF .219 .609 .250 .359 40
Earley, N SIL OF .154 .522 .308 .214 15
Richardson, D EVN OF .000 .000 .000 .000 9
Mascheri, R SIL P .000 .000 .000 .000 0
Lopez, A SIL P .000 .000 .000 .000 0
Brammer, D RC P .000 .000 .000 .000 0
Colon, A RC OF .211 .505 .237 .268 41
Mott, E SIL P .000 .000 .000 .000 0
Cummins, B SIL OF .143 .679 .429 .250 8
Kennedy, S SIL IF .133 .435 .200 .235 17
Enslen, R RC OF .120 .361 .120 .241 30