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Pitching Stats

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Player Team ERA PFR BIPA K/9 BB/9 ERC FPS%
Recchia, M WIN 2.51 1.550 0.230 10.596 3.353 2.509 0.625
Lavigne, T NOR 4.72 1.524 0.260 9.145 4.573 5.02 0.584
Weller, B WIN 4.59 1.625 0.283 10.125 4.500 4.54 0.553
Sauer, S WIN 4.29 1.135 0.297 7.429 2.786 4.193 0.654
Williams, D WIN 4.79 1.378 0.247 7.927 4.474 4.476 0.642
Liedka, J NOR 5.16 1.205 0.260 7.129 3.716 4.487 0.554
Kaminsky, A GAT 3.74 1.218 0.223 7.726 3.240 3.764 0.605
Stovall, T NOR 5.70 2.187 0.192 9.896 9.789 5.883 0.493
Rucinski, D RCK 3.13 1.129 0.255 7.900 2.257 3.241 0.670
Donovan, R SCH 3.45 1.149 0.240 6.310 4.035 3.329 0.612
Roth, C SCH 3.75 1.064 0.269 5.692 3.887 4.248 0.634
Vancil, P RIV 4.76 1.006 0.267 6.136 2.915 4.929 0.619
Kennedy, N RIV 3.69 1.118 0.288 7.672 2.391 4.258 0.575
Schepel, K RCK 3.66 1.462 0.226 8.237 4.919 3.662 0.530
Hallahan, C RCK 4.56 1.118 0.253 6.019 4.041 4.949 0.601
Corley, T WIN 2.52 1.030 0.210 6.210 3.060 2.463 0.612
Tremlin, P GAT 3.72 1.055 0.205 6.331 3.166 2.982 0.596
Brown, T GAT 2.28 0.707 0.241 3.960 2.400 3.035 0.638
VanderWall, Z RCK 5.69 1.471 0.259 6.724 6.517 7.057 0.546
Gill, J RIV 4.40 1.933 0.288 12.400 5.000 5.425 0.529
Click, M WIN 3.65 1.895 0.288 12.383 4.669 4.52 0.680
Shields, D RIV 5.77 1.359 0.242 8.297 3.938 4.502 0.591
Marsala, T RIV 3.26 1.011 0.245 5.736 3.363 4.056 0.594
Mincey, P SCH 2.78 2.075 0.228 14.383 4.290 2.147 0.624
Parsons, J SCH 1.58 1.636 0.208 9.818 4.909 2.928 0.606
Treece, Z GAT 1.22 1.355 0.201 9.406 2.787 1.971 0.518
West, J GAT 3.78 1.301 0.295 9.441 2.266 4.307 0.647
Doremus, C JOL 2.77 1.519 0.260 8.481 5.192 3.798 0.478
Kuna, M SCH 4.52 0.925 0.308 5.590 2.736 5.978 0.622
Sarratt, J RIV 4.93 1.314 0.248 8.869 2.956 4.014 0.518
Sanchez, J JOL 2.89 0.918 0.280 6.199 2.066 4.14 0.633
Zegarac, S WIN 2.93 1.525 0.240 9.900 3.825 3.754 0.679
Zablan, K RIV 4.69 1.055 0.237 5.425 4.068 5.556 0.604
Provence, D NOR 3.52 1.076 0.255 6.310 3.375 3.951 0.549
Reamy, P GAT 2.18 1.522 0.182 8.338 5.360 2.822 0.566
Griebling, C SCH 2.48 0.918 0.247 5.648 2.617 3.464 0.610
Rivers, A SCH 5.49 0.847 0.290 6.254 1.373 4.602 0.607
Barrett, R GAT 2.58 1.330 0.256 9.391 2.583 2.934 0.583
DiMartino, K NOR 4.55 1.800 0.275 11.368 4.832 5.756 0.552
Enourato, C GAT 5.13 1.028 0.219 5.000 4.250 5.024 0.572
Mee, A WIN 2.29 1.500 0.250 9.153 4.347 4.47 0.665
Smith, B NOR 5.23 1.194 0.226 5.371 5.371 4.954 0.549
Cassidy, M RCK 3.99 0.906 0.243 6.342 1.812 4.134 0.662
Curry, N RCK 5.26 1.460 0.275 8.363 4.779 5.432 0.544
Sunderland, A RIV 2.53 2.391 0.294 14.344 7.172 6.232 0.723
Tollefson, A SCH 4.55 1.307 0.250 9.089 2.673 4.155 0.655
Davis, R NOR 1.00 1.407 0.233 10.333 2.333 1.793 0.619
Sommo, M JOL 8.23 1.400 0.266 7.714 4.886 6.355 0.595
Sullivan, J RIV 4.43 1.164 0.251 6.045 4.433 4.395 0.550
Granitz, G RCK 2.94 1.065 0.220 5.478 4.109 3.723 0.578
Zawacki, B JOL 4.70 1.174 0.246 5.870 4.696 5.161 0.621
Zawacki, Br GAT 4.70 1.174 0.246 5.870 4.696 5.161 0.621
Caruso, C RIV 4.45 1.659 0.185 7.941 6.988 5.471 0.489
Mahon, L GAT 2.52 1.290 0.233 6.308 5.299 3.752 0.618
Krumlauf, R NOR 3.00 0.911 0.238 5.000 3.200 3.491 0.631
Armstrong, A RCK 6.23 1.582 0.217 7.121 7.121 7.859 0.507
Ohlmann, L RIV 9.27 1.657 0.269 9.672 5.239 6.95 0.623
Joseph, J NOR 4.59 0.902 0.266 4.235 3.882 6.547 0.502
Dykeman, D WIN 4.25 1.247 0.250 6.978 4.247 4.541 0.440
Anderson, N RCK 7.71 1.255 0.264 5.510 5.786 7.145 0.586
Lindquist, K RCK 5.46 0.893 0.293 6.429 1.607 5.153 0.650
Cudney, J GAT 2.22 1.110 0.171 7.027 2.959 1.943 0.500
Barsotti, M JOL 7.34 1.109 0.261 5.576 4.402 5.586 0.518
Engelke, K NOR 8.64 1.740 0.254 9.720 5.940 6.385 0.558
Kesler, W WIN 2.51 1.465 0.200 10.674 2.512 3.811 0.571
Kuzma, M WIN 6.46 1.826 0.254 9.391 7.043 10.136 0.525
Goldschmidt, J RCK 4.74 1.378 0.222 5.473 6.932 8.609 0.576
Gonzalez, J JOL 5.46 0.957 0.190 3.734 4.883 6.284 0.481
Rodriguez, J SCH 4.01 1.176 0.213 4.743 5.838 4.416 0.648
Hayes, T RCK 6.91 1.395 0.273 7.535 5.023 5.829 0.697
Delmonico, T SCH 6.75 1.500 0.255 8.438 5.063 9.88 0.500
Heissler, J RIV 6.52 1.862 0.270 9.310 7.448 7.183 0.532
Montalbano, P WIN 3.52 2.217 0.242 9.391 10.565 13.386 0.465
Cotilla, R GAT 5.91 1.406 0.233 6.750 5.906 6.402 0.558
Chilcoat, A WIN 3.48 0.774 0.207 3.048 3.919 3.743 0.570
Kennedy, B GAT 3.18 1.059 0.176 7.941 1.588 2.379 0.273
Robinson, S SCH 3.86 1.286 0.185 3.857 7.714 7.088 0.508
Clark, K SCH 0.00 0.667 0.226 4.000 2.000 2.654 0.514
Glover, B WIN 0.00 2.000 0.333 18.000 0.000 1.451 0.800
Judah, S NOR 22.50 0.500 0.214 0.000 4.500 26.779 0.125
Van Horn, G RCK 0.00 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 -.56 0.000