
Playoffs 2016

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Primeau, Jones lead LaSalle over Sarnia, 6-2

Vollmer Recreation Complex    Sun, Mar 06, 2016

Behind two goals and two assists from Brett Primeau and one goal and one assist from Blake Jones, the LaSalle Vipers downed the Sarnia Legionnaires 6-2.

Primeau scored the first of his two goals at 4:10 into the first period to make the score 1-0 LaSalle. Cale Allen picked up the assist. Primeau's next tally made the score 6-2 LaSalle with 1:06 left in the third period. Liam MacDougall assisted on the tally. Jones scored 12:49 into the second period to make the score 3-2 LaSalle. Manny Silverio picked up the assist.

The win by LaSalle broke a deadlock and gave the Vipers a 2-1 advantage in the best of seven series.

Referees had their hands full with a major incident at 10:22 into the third period. Four fighting penalties were dished out along with three game misconducts.

LaSalle forced Sarnia goalie Shayne Battler to work between the pipes, taking 32 shots.

LaSalle also got points from MacDougall, who also registered one goal and one assist, Silverio, who also racked up one goal and one assist, and Jones, who also tallied one goal and one assist. Eric Kirby also scored for LaSalle. More assists for LaSalle came via Matthew Doucette, who had one and Nathan Savage, who had two.

The Legionnaires stifled the Vipers' power play, and did not give up a single goal while down a man.

Sarnia was led by Brock Perry, who had two goals. Perry scored the first of his two goals at 12:47 into the first period to make the score 1-1. Brandon Layman assisted on the tally. Perry's next tally made the score 2-2 with 11:36 left in the second period. The Legionnaires had gotten the advantage when LaSalle's Clay Kraynack was sent off for boarding. Ryan Vendramin picked up the assist. In addition, Sarnia received assists from Eric Marsh, who had one.

The Vipers' Eli Billing stopped 23 shots out of the 25 that he faced. LaSalle totaled 39 minutes in penalty time with seven minors and one major and went 0-for-5 on the power play. The Vipers ran into serious disciplinary problems during the contest, and Nolan Gardiner was ejected from the game. Shayne Battler made 26 saves for Sarnia on 31 shots. The Legionnaires totaled 32 minutes in penalty time with six minors and two majors and went 1-for-5 on the power play. For Sarnia, Sam McCormack and Jarret Marks were ejected from the contest.