
NAPHL 18U 2014-2015

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HC Dallas 18U completes comeback, beats Pursuit of Excellence 18U, 3-2

Troy Sports 2    Sat, Jan 17, 2015

HC Dallas 18U climbed out of a two-goal hole to beat Pursuit of Excellence 18U, 3-2.

HC Dallas 18U never led in the game until netting the game winner. HC Dallas 18U was down 2-0 after a goal by Pursuit of Excellence 18U's Jackson Caller at 9:58 in the second period. HC Dallas 18U tied things up at 2-2 on a goal by Peter Hatton at 27 seconds in the third period. HC Dallas 18U scored the game winner at 15:33 in the third period on a goal by Hatton.

HC Dallas 18U was led by Ethan Chun, who finished with one goal.

HC Dallas 18U put up an impenetrable defensive front on the penalty kill, and did not allow Pursuit of Excellence 18U to score on any of its three power plays. HC Dallas 18U did not challenge the opposing netminder, only getting 12 shots on net to force nine saves.

HC Dallas 18U also got points from Hatton, who also had one goal and one assist to lead the team in points. Jake Hagstrom also scored for HC Dallas 18U. In addition, HC Dallas 18U received assists from Grayson Dillingham and Michael Piehler, who contributed one each.

HC Dallas 18U's defense shut down Pursuit of Excellence 18U's forwards for much of the game, and Pursuit of Excellence 18U got off only 13 shots during the contest.

Pursuit of Excellence 18U was helped by Alec Zawatsky, who racked up one goal. Zawatsky scored 5:51 into the first period to make the score 1-0 Pursuit of Excellence 18U. Matthew Kowalski provided the assist. More assists for Pursuit of Excellence 18U came via Jake Harrison, who had one.

HC Dallas 18U's Clayton Pierce stopped 11 shots out of the 13 that he faced. HC Dallas 18U incurred 14 minutes in penalty time with two minors. Joseph McLeod recorded nine saves for Pursuit of Excellence 18U. Pursuit of Excellence 18U incurred four minutes in penalty time with two minors.