
Playoffs 2014

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Dunnville's comeback falls short, Grimsby wins 4-2

Dunnville Memorial Arena    Fri, Mar 07, 2014

The Grimsby Peach Kings came close to giving away a three-goal lead to the Dunnville Jr. Mudcats, but did just enough to escape with a 4-2 victory.

Grimsby led by three goals at one point and ended with the victory. The largest advantage in the game came when the Peach Kings' Jeromy Hopkins's scored short handed at 14:42 in the second period to put Grimsby up 4-1.

The win gave the Peach Kings a 2-0 lead in the best of seven series.

Grimsby's penalty kill excelled, as the Peach Kings gave up zero goals despite allowing seven power plays.

Grimsby was led by Brennan Smith, who registered one goal and one assist. Smith scored 1:08 into the second period to make the score 3-1 Grimsby. Matthew Paonessa picked up the assist.

The Peach Kings stifled Dunnville's power play, and did not give up a single goal while down a man.

Others who scored for Grimsby included Joshua Kozielski and Jordan McCarl, who each put in one. More assists for Grimsby came via Aiden Board, Aidan McCreadie, Andrew McMurtrie, and Cooper Nauboris, who each chipped in one.

The Jr. Mudcats stifled Grimsby's power play, and did not give up a single goal while down a man.

Dunnville was helped by Dan Arrowsmith, who registered one goal. Arrowsmith scored 33 seconds into the second period to make the score 2-1 Grimsby. Trevor Smith assisted on the tally. Jeff May also scored for Dunnville. In addition, Dunnville received assists from Austin Golding, Jordan Bolibrook, and Landon Minor, who contributed one a piece.

Josh Astorino made 22 saves for the Peach Kings on 24 shots. Grimsby incurred 10 minutes in penalty time with five minors. For the Peach Kings, William Demers was ejected from the game. Josh Rosettani rejected 22 shots on goal for the Jr. Mudcats. Dunnville incurred eight minutes in penalty time with four minors. The Jr. Mudcats ran into serious disciplinary problems during the contest, and Davis Hart was ejected from the game.