
ESHL 12/13

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Philadelphia Revolution hangs on, beats Brewster Bulldogs 7-5

Warwick Ice Arena    Sun, Mar 03, 2013

Kevin Stickle gave Philadelphia Revolution the lead in the first period, and Brewster Bulldogs was never able to catch up in a close game that ended 7-5.

A goal 18:38 into the the first period by Stickle proved to be the game winner, and powered Philadelphia Revolution to the victory A slashing penalty on Christopher Hagen had put Philadelphia Revolution on the power play. Connor Higgins provided the assist.

Philadelphia Revolution got the win with help from a great game by Ian Turner, who had one goal and three assists. Turner scored short handed 6:27 into the third period to make the score 6-4 Philadelphia Revolution. Philadelphia Revolution was on a disadvantage when Steven Luongo went off the ice for boarding. Ryan Zujkowski assisted on the tally.

Philadelphia Revolution kept Brewster Bulldogs' goalie busy throughout the game, and Zachary Shapiro made 32 saves on 39 shots. Philadelphia Revolution bested its season scoring average. Philadelphia Revolution averages 3.5 goals per game.

Philadelphia Revolution also got points from Andrew Bily, who also racked up one goal and one assist, Zujkowski, who also grabbed one goal and three assists, and Patrick McKerry, who also tallied one goal and one assist. John Regan also scored for Philadelphia Revolution. In addition, Philadelphia Revolution received assists from Jonathan Turner, who had two.

Philadelphia Revolution was unable to stop Brewster Bulldogs from sending pucks towards the net, and Brewster Bulldogs eventually piled up 31 shots on goal.

Brewster Bulldogs additionally got points from Taylor Folchetti, who also registered two goals and one assist and James Maxson, who also had one goal and two assists to lead the team in points. More assists for Brewster Bulldogs came via Connor Bubolo, who had two and Richard Folchetti, William Pappas, and Max Henry, who contributed one a piece.

Troy Klahre recorded 26 saves for Philadelphia Revolution. Philadelphia Revolution incurred eight minutes in penalty time with four minors. Brewster Bulldogs incurred 16 minutes in penalty time with eight minors.