
EmpJHL Playoffs 2012

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McCarran leads New Hampshire Jr Monarchs over Springfield Pics, 8-3

Tri-Town Rink    Sun, Feb 26, 2012

Teddy McCarran was all over the ice for New Hampshire Jr Monarchs, as he tallied four goals and one assist in New Hampshire Jr Monarchs' 8-3 win over the Springfield Pics Pics.

McCarran's first goal came 1:58 into the first period. He then added goals at 4:20 into the first, at 16:42 into the first, and at 5:44 into the third.

The win gave New Hampshire Jr Monarchs a 1-0 lead in the best of one series.

New Hampshire Jr Monarchs' penalty kill was spotless, allowing no goals on three Springfield Pics power plays. New Hampshire Jr Monarchs forced Springfield Pics goalie John Howell to work between the pipes, taking 45 shots.

New Hampshire Jr Monarchs additionally got points from McCarran, who also tallied four goals and one assist. Others who scored for New Hampshire Jr Monarchs included David Horan, who had two and Kyle LaJeunesse and Lukas Audycki, who each put in one. In addition, New Hampshire Jr Monarchs received assists from Dylan Rothenberger, who had two, Andrew Pierce, Brent Beaudoin, Matthew Holtshouser, and Kevin Miner, who contributed one each, and Luke Bennett and Christopher Moquin, who each chipped in three.

The Pics' offense efficiently hummed along to the tune of 31 shots put on New Hampshire Jr Monarchs' net. Springfield Pics had trouble staying out of the sin bin throughout the game as it finished the game with 14 penalty minutes for eight opposing power plays. The leading offender was Christopher Santaniello, who totaled four minutes in penalty time with two minors.

The Pics were led by Christopher Sattler, who finished with one goal and one assist. Sattler scored 4:00 into the first period to make the score 1-1. Logan Schinabeck assisted on the tally. Springfield Pics also got points from Sattler, who also grabbed one goal and one assist. Springfield Pics got a goal from Garrett Torrico as well. Other players who recorded assists for Springfield Pics were James Padrevita, who had one and William Smith, who had two.

Alex Devine recorded 28 saves for New Hampshire Jr Monarchs. New Hampshire Jr Monarchs incurred six minutes in penalty time with three minors. Springfield Pics' Howell stopped 37 shots out of the 45 that he faced.