
Juniori II U16 19-20

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 Final Patinoarul Olimpic    16.02.2020 - 00:00 EET
CSM Corona Brasov 5 ACS Steaua Rangers 3

Detaliile meciului
Marcatori SUTURI
CSM Corona Brasov3025
ACS Steaua Rangers 0213
CSM Corona Brasov 8111635
ACS Steaua Rangers 57820

Superioritati numerice
CSM Corona Brasov 1 - 4 : ACS Steaua Rangers 2 - 6

Sumar al marcatorilor
Repriza 1
CSM Corona Brasov - COMAN Timotei` (BUTUC Eugen) 9:53
CSM Corona Brasov - BUTUC Eugen (COMAN Timotei`) 13:03
CSM Corona Brasov - BURJAN Robert (inferioritate numerica) (fara pasa) 18:37
Repriza 2
ACS Steaua Rangers - Bogdan Valentin MARINICA (superioritate numerica) (George Rares NEDELCU) 2:45
ACS Steaua Rangers - Alexandru Adrian DINU (Patrick ARVATU) 7:52
Repriza 3
ACS Steaua Rangers - George Rares NEDELCU (superioritate numerica 2) (Alexandru Adrian DINU) 0:49
CSM Corona Brasov - BACILA Ioan (Bakk Mihaly) 7:48
CSM Corona Brasov - BURJAN Robert (superioritate numerica) (fara pasa) 14:53

Repriza 1
CSM Corona Brasov - KOVACS Alpar - (Lovitura cu Ghenunchiul ), 2 MIN, 17:21
Repriza 2
CSM Corona Brasov - CARLAN Eduard Mihai - (Piedica ), 2 MIN, 2:19
ACS Steaua Rangers - Luca CIUCAN - (Mai multi jucatori pe gheata ) (Mai multi jucatori pe gheata ), 2 MIN, 4:40
CSM Corona Brasov - BUTUC Eugen - (Obstructie (asupra jucatorului) ), 2 MIN, 4:48
ACS Steaua Rangers - Razvan-Mihai TANASE - (Duritati excesive ), 2 MIN, 11:11
ACS Steaua Rangers - Razvan-Mihai TANASE - (Misconduct) (Misconduct), 10 MIN, 11:11
CSM Corona Brasov - Buda Marton - (Barare cu Crosa ), 2 MIN, 16:31
CSM Corona Brasov - Bakk Mihaly - (Lovire cu Crosa ), 2 MIN, 19:42
CSM Corona Brasov - COMAN Timotei` - (LoviRE cu Cotul ), 2 MIN, 19:51
Repriza 3
ACS Steaua Rangers - Bogdan Valentin MARINICA - (Obstructie (asupra jucatorului) ), 2 MIN, 1:26
ACS Steaua Rangers - Bogdan Valentin MARINICA - (Mai multi jucatori pe gheata ) (Mai multi jucatori pe gheata ), 2 MIN, 13:26

 CSM Corona Brasov  ACS Steaua Rangers
# Nume G A PTS +/-S PIM
9 Eugen, BUTUC 1 1 2 +21 2
11 Tamas, SOOS 0 0 0 00 0
13 Eduard Mihai, CARLAN 0 0 0 03 2
14 Mihaly, Bakk 0 1 1 +12 2
16 Tudor, Nechita 0 0 0 +27 0
17 Alpar, KOVACS 0 0 0 04 2
23 Timotei`, COMAN 1 1 2 +28 2
26 Radu Nicolae, MOROSAN 0 0 0 00 0
28 Lorand, GAVRILA 0 0 0 00 0
31 Marton, Buda 0 0 0 +30 2
34 Robert, BURJAN 2 0 2 +13 0
44 Robert, VERES 0 0 0 00 0
67 Pascaru, Denis 0 0 0 00 0
71 Cezar, SENDREA 0 0 0 +12 0
87 Ioan, BACILA 1 0 1 +24 0
89 BENKO, Robert 0 0 0 +10 0
99 Emilia, MUNTEANU 0 0 0 +21 0
# Nume G A PTS +/-S PIM
1 NEACSU, Razvan Andrei 0 0 0 -30 0
2 NASTASE, Luca 0 0 0 -21 0
3 STANCU, Theodora Alexia 0 0 0 00 0
4 GEDEON, Oswalt Alexandru 0 0 0 -30 0
6 HAMILTON, Sean Ethan 0 0 0 -22 0
8 BOGDAN, Alexandru 0 0 0 00 0
13 TANASE, Razvan-Mihai 0 0 0 -33 12
15 DRAGOMIR, Robert 0 0 0 00 0
20 MARINICA, Bogdan Valentin 1 0 1 01 2
25 PALEA, Tudor Ioan 0 0 0 00 0
26 DINU, Alexandru Adrian 1 1 2 -37 0
29 NEDELCU, George Rares 1 1 2 -13 0
30 PETRICE, Mihnea 0 0 0 00 0
31 ARVATU, Patrick 0 1 1 -13 0
68 PANDREA BEDROSIAN, Caryellen 0 0 0 00 0
77 Eduard, Dumitrascu 0 0 0 00 0
98 CIUCAN, Luca 0 0 0 00 0
Nume   MIN SUTURI Suturi Aparate
31 Buda Marton W 60:00 20 17
44 VERES Robert (B)    
Nume   MIN SUTURI Suturi Aparate
1 Razvan Andrei NEACSU 20:00 8 5
30 Mihnea PETRICE L 40:00 27 25

Penalizari totale
CSM Corona Brasov 12 minutes on 6 Infractiuni ACS Steaua Rangers 18 minutes on 5 Infractiuni

Game Length: 12:41
Arbitru: Default Referee
Arbitru de linie 1: Default Linesman
Arbitru de linie 2 :
Secretar de joc: