This league has multiple active seasons, you are currently in the SJHSHL Playoffs 2021/22 season. All active seasons are listed below. (note: past seasons can be found in the drop down menu above)

SJHSHL Playoffs 2021/22
SJHSHL 2021/22

 Divisions League Message

Varsity - Lindbergh (Tier 2 - Impure Teams)
Varsity - Ashbee (Tier 1 - Pure teams)
JVA - Clarke (Junior Varsity - A Level)
JVB - Leach (Junior Varsity - B Level)
 Locked players will have "-L" after their last name




League Facilities
Terminal rink Flyers Skate Zone - AC
Terminal rink Flyers Skate Zone Pennsauken
Terminal rink Flyers SkateZone Voorhees
Online entry arena Hollydell Ice Arena
Terminal rink Mt. Laurel Igloo
Online entry arena TBD
Terminal rink Wells Fargo Center
Online entry arena Flyers Skate Zone at Atlantic City

 League Schedule

Click for full Schedule

(division and team schedules available further in stats section)
 Contact Information

South Jersey High School Hockey League
• 856-435-1273