Game Details |
Scoring |
Shots on Goal |
1 | 2 | Total |
Ron Rickies |
1 | 3 | 4 |
The Bombers |
2 | 4 | 6 |
no shots recorded
Scoring Summary |
Period 1 | The Bombers - Andrew Kitchen (unassisted) , 12:14
| The Bombers - Andrew Kitchen (ROB GERMAN, SEAN SHANOFER) , 14:44
| Ron Rickies - Curtis Warrington (BRAD SCHMID, STEVEN KOSZMAN) , 16:12
| Period 2 | Ron Rickies - Dustin Hicke (MATT MILLER, ALLAN WONG) , 1:13
| The Bombers - Kevin Zimmerman (GREG WOLYSHYN) , 3:18
| Ron Rickies - Adam Meier (DUSTIN HICKE, STEVEN KOSZMAN) , 4:18
| The Bombers - Andrew Kitchen (ROB GERMAN, BRAD WILLIAMSON) , 9:44
| The Bombers - Brandon Hendricks (unassisted) , 10:15
| Ron Rickies - Adam Meier (power play) (TREVOR OTTENBREIT) , 16:10
| The Bombers - Andrew Kitchen (ROB GERMAN) , 17:59
Penalties |
Period 1 | The Bombers - Wayne German (Body Checking), 2 min , 6:21 | Period 2 | The Bombers - Matt Busby (Tripping), 2 min , 6:00 | Ron Rickies - Steven Koszman (Holding), 2 min , 13:34 | The Bombers - Wayne German (3 Penalties in a Game(Game Misconduct), 10 min , 15:45 | The Bombers - Wayne German (Tripping), 2 min , 15:45 | The Bombers - Wayne German (Unsportsmanlike Conduct(Misconduct), 10 min , 15:45 |
Rosters |
Ron Rickies |
The Bombers |
Goalies |
Name |
Min |
Shots |
Saves |
Neil Hum |
38 |
no shots recorded |
Players |
Other facts |
Griffen Macleod, , Wayne Jacques
Jodie Schubert
Game Notes |
no notes entered for this game