Game Details |
Scoring |
Shots on Goal |
1 | 2 | Total |
Balls Deep |
2 | 0 | 2 |
U of M Big Orange1 |
2 | 8 | 10 |
Balls Deep 10 U of M Big Orange1 30
Scoring Summary |
Period 1 | U of M Big Orange1 - Matthew Mohrbutter (Rhett Rhinehart, Chase Wouters) , 0:18
| Balls Deep - Derek Luxhein (Kade Dennet) , 1:03
| U of M Big Orange1 - Ethan Nelson (Ryder Kenyon, Luke Franklin) , 9:02
| Balls Deep - Brett Conlon (Derek Luxhein) , 15:42
| Period 2 | U of M Big Orange1 - Ethan Nelson (Chase Renton, Ryder Kenyon) , 2:07
| U of M Big Orange1 - Chase Mcalister (Drew Harty, Caleb Brown) , 4:15
| U of M Big Orange1 - Caleb Brown (Drew Harty, Dakota Kenyon) , 5:08
| U of M Big Orange1 - Rhett Rhinehart (Chase Wouters, Riley Fletcher) , 7:46
| U of M Big Orange1 - Matthew Mohrbutter (Rhett Rhinehart, Chase Wouters) , 8:00
| U of M Big Orange1 - Rhett Rhinehart (Matthew Mohrbutter, Chase Wouters) , 8:28
| U of M Big Orange1 - Rhett Rhinehart (Chase Wouters, Matthew Mohrbutter) , 14:22
| U of M Big Orange1 - Matthew Mohrbutter (Rhett Rhinehart) , 19:56
Penalties |
Period 1 | U of M Big Orange1 - Chase Renton (Slashing(Double Minor), 4 min , 18:25 | Period 2 | Balls Deep - Steven Hickman (Head Contact), 2 min , 6:21 |
Rosters |
Balls Deep |
U of M Big Orange1 |
Goalies |
Players |
Other facts |
Ll-1618 , , Ll-1616
Dawson Jenkins
Game Notes |
no notes entered for this game