Game Details |
Scoring |
Shots on Goal |
1 | 2 | 3 | Total |
Rogue |
0 | 1 | 3 | 4 |
RHL Yellow |
2 | 3 | 1 | 6 |
Rogue 28 RHL Yellow 37
Scoring Summary |
Period 1 | RHL Yellow - Joel Dunham (Sub Goalie) , 7:13
| RHL Yellow - Dakota Clement (sub, Luke Goldbrand) , 12:49
| Period 2 | RHL Yellow - Dakota Clement (Bryan Freitag) , 1:54
| Rogue - The Sub (Alejandro Esperanza) , 7:35
| RHL Yellow - Joel Dunham (unassisted) , 7:59
| RHL Yellow - Joel Dunham (Bryan Freitag) , 14:59
| Period 3 | Rogue - Nicholas Luongo (The Sub) , 2:43
| Rogue - The Sub (Nicholas Luongo) , 6:57
| Rogue - The Sub (Jeff Bernacki) , 9:04
| RHL Yellow - Joel Dunham (unassisted) , 9:43
Penalties |
Period 1 | (no penalties)
| Period 2 | RHL Yellow - Aaron French (Slashing), 2 min , 8:53 | Period 3 | (no penalties)
Rosters |
Rogue |
RHL Yellow |
Goalies |
Players |
Other facts |
Kevin Chambers, , Jon Nissley
Rachel Huddlestun
Game Number: 49 |
Game Notes |
no notes entered for this game