Game Details |
Scoring |
Shots on Goal |
1 | 2 | 3 | Total |
Balls |
1 | 2 | 3 | 6 |
Marauders |
2 | 1 | 1 | 4 |
Balls 23 Marauders 24
Scoring Summary |
Period 1 | Balls - Cory Felton (Scott Rempel) , 0:32
| Marauders - Ethan Crotty (power play) (Denis Crotty, Binh dang) , 3:48
| Marauders - Binh Dang (Mattias Neset, Ethan Crotty) , 7:10
| Period 2 | Balls - Brad Jones (Jimmy Ali) , 5:37
| Marauders - Mike Esopenko (power play) (Denis Crotty, Ethan Crotty) , 7:58
| Balls - Jason Hale (Andrew Johnson, Shaun Hopkyns) , 8:49
| Period 3 | Marauders - Mattias Neset (Ethan Crotty, Damian Fedoriuk) , 4:30
| Balls - Cory Felton (Scott Rempel, Matthew Johnson) , 4:59
| Balls - Eli Gallinger (Jason Hale, Shaun Hopkyns) , 7:02
| Balls - Scott Rempel (power play) (Cory Felton, Andrew Johnson) , 9:01
Penalties |
Period 1 | Balls - Matthew Johnson (Slashing the Stick), 2 min , 3:17 | Period 2 | Balls - Tim Stacey (Slashing(Double Minor), 4 min , 6:33 | Balls - Eli Gallinger (Roughing), 2 min , 9:27 | Marauders - Ethan Crotty (Roughing), 2 min , 10:35 | Balls - Matthew Johnson (Unsportsmanlike Conduct), 2 min , 10:35 | Period 3 | Balls - Matthew Johnson (Roughing), 2 min , 1:26 | Balls - Matthew Johnson (3 Penalties in a Game(Game Ejection), 0 min , 5:51 | Marauders - Mattias Neset (High Sticking(Double Minor), 4 min , 5:51 | Balls - Matthew Johnson (High Sticking(Double Minor), 4 min , 5:51 | Marauders - Ethan Crotty (Hooking), 2 min , 7:02 | Marauders - Damian Fedoriuk (Slashing the Stick), 2 min , 7:47 | Marauders - Evan Haimila (Tripping), 2 min , 8:49 | Balls - Jason Hale (Interference), 2 min , 10:59 |
Rosters |
Balls |
Marauders |
Goalies |
Players |
Other facts |
D Bordian, , J Del Cid, B Zoerb
Game Number: |
Game Notes |
no notes entered for this game