Game Details |
Scoring |
Shots on Goal |
1 | 2 | Total |
Easton Fection (Yellow) |
3 | 6 | 9 |
The Dekes of Hazard (Orange) |
1 | 1 | 2 |
Easton Fection (Yellow) 38 The Dekes of Hazard (Orange) 18
Scoring Summary |
Period 1 | The Dekes of Hazard (Orange) - Todd Boreen (Doug Kee) , 3:30
| Easton Fection (Yellow) - Tyler Graham (Kelsie Graham) , 6:10
| Easton Fection (Yellow) - Kelsie Graham (unassisted) , 16:50
| Easton Fection (Yellow) - Kelsie Graham (unassisted) , 16:50
| Period 2 | Easton Fection (Yellow) - Jared Molnar (Johnathan Richardson, Shelby S. Moore (Saylor)) , 0:32
| The Dekes of Hazard (Orange) - Ainsley Sebesten (Adam Luffman) , 9:11
| Easton Fection (Yellow) - Shelby S. Moore (saylor) (Ashley Murray) , 11:08
| Easton Fection (Yellow) - Shelby S. Moore (saylor) (unassisted) , 11:08
| Easton Fection (Yellow) - Jared Molnar (Shelby S. Moore (Saylor), Kara Molnar) , 18:11
| Easton Fection (Yellow) - Shelby S. Moore (saylor) (Kara Molnar, Shaun Antonishyn) , 19:40
| Easton Fection (Yellow) - Shelby S. Moore (saylor) (unassisted) , 19:40
Penalties |
Period 1 | (no penalties)
| Period 2 | Easton Fection (Yellow) - Johnathan Richardson (Cross Checking), 3 min , 5:10 |
Rosters |
Easton Fection (Yellow) |
The Dekes of Hazard (Orange) |
Goalies |
Players |
Other facts |
Rg-11 , , Rg-7
Game Notes |
no notes entered for this game