Game Details |
Scoring |
Shots on Goal |
1 | 2 | Total |
Barons |
1 | 1 | 2 |
The Pirates |
3 | 1 | 4 |
no shots recorded
Scoring Summary |
Period 1 | The Pirates - Tyler Scott (Jeff Beaupre, Dan Junkins) , 4:44
| The Pirates - Evin Masterson (Kris Casey, Matt Hind) , 6:06
| The Pirates - Jon Clark (Nick Inshaw, Graham Nesbitt) , 20:08
| Barons - Kevin Macdonald (Shane Kealey, Chris Lowrey) , 21:02
| Period 2 | The Pirates - Kris Casey (Graham Nesbitt) , 5:59
| Barons - Mark Taylor (Chris Lowrey, Anand Dattani) , 7:05
Penalties |
Period 1 | Barons - Adam Wozniak (Tripping), 3 min , 3:56 | Barons - Eric Gallinger (Interference), 3 min , 11:54 | The Pirates - Jeff Beaupre (Roughing), 3 min , 16:00 | Period 2 | Barons - Eric Gallinger (Body Checking), 3 min , 19:10 | Barons - Eric Gallinger (Unsportsmanlike Conduct(Misconduct), 10 min , 19:10 | Barons - Shane Kealey (Cross Checking), 3 min , 21:31 | Barons - Kevin Macdonald (Body Checking), 3 min , 21:51 |
Rosters |
Barons |
The Pirates |
Goalies |
Name |
Min |
Shots |
Saves |
Dave Winton |
44 |
no shots recorded |
Players |
Other facts |
Bob Lafreniere, , Louis Seguin
Claudette Bower
Game Number: |
Game Notes |
no notes entered for this game