Game Details |
Scoring |
Shots on Goal |
1 | 2 | Total |
Balls of Fury |
1 | 0 | 1 |
The City Kings |
4 | 10 | 14 |
Balls of Fury 14 The City Kings 30
Scoring Summary |
Period 1 | The City Kings - Jesse Klus (unassisted) , 3:26
| The City Kings - Colby Mcclelland (unassisted) , 4:52
| The City Kings - Brett Wilson Moore (Chris Wuttunee, Fredric Gramowski) , 9:04
| The City Kings - Drew Tkatchuk (short handed) (Colby Mcclelland, Joe Monoch) , 13:01
| Balls of Fury - Doniven Peters (William Kuchapski) , 14:51
| Period 2 | The City Kings - Brett Thorarinsson (short handed) (unassisted) , 2:26
| The City Kings - Jesse Klus (power play) (Drew Tkatchuk, Justin Lamborn) , 3:12
| The City Kings - Brett Thorarinsson (unassisted) , 4:55
| The City Kings - Chris Wuttunee (unassisted) , 7:09
| The City Kings - Joe Monoch (Drew Tkatchuk, Brett Thorarinsson) , 9:52
| The City Kings - Colby Mcclelland (unassisted) , 11:24
| The City Kings - Brett Wilson Moore (Chris Wuttunee, Thomas Hamilton) , 13:26
| The City Kings - Thomas Hamilton (Chris Wuttunee, Brett Wilson Moore) , 14:30
| The City Kings - Drew Tkatchuk (Joe Monoch) , 16:34
| The City Kings - Fredric Gramowski (Thomas Hamilton, Chris Wuttunee) , 18:25
Penalties |
Period 1 | The City Kings - Joe Monoch (Tripping), 2 min , 3:20 | Balls of Fury - Bradley Broeckel (Tripping), 2 min , 5:19 | Balls of Fury - Bradley Broeckel (High Sticking(Major), 5 min , 10:30 | The City Kings - Justin Lamborn (Body Checking), 2 min , 16:49 | Period 2 | The City Kings - Brett Wilson Moore (Roughing), 2 min , 1:58 | Balls of Fury - Ryan Mazzei (Holding Stick), 2 min , 1:58 |
Rosters |
Balls of Fury |
The City Kings |
Goalies |
Players |
Other facts |
Sk-52 , , Sk-119
Kirstin Hansen
Game Notes |
no notes entered for this game