Game Details |
Scoring |
Shots on Goal |
1 | 2 | Total |
Balls of Fury |
0 | 1 | 1 |
P.I.N.K. |
5 | 8 | 13 |
Balls of Fury 14 P.I.N.K. 41
Scoring Summary |
Period 1 | P.I.N.K. - Hafeez Kurji (Michael Reimer, Corey Bugler) , 1:30
| P.I.N.K. - Jordan Kyte (unassisted) , 7:00
| P.I.N.K. - Michael Reimer (Shaun Huel, Jordan Kyte) , 16:15
| P.I.N.K. - Michael Reimer (Mark Sugar, Jordan Kyte) , 17:35
| P.I.N.K. - Aaron Carter (ap) (Justin Podhorodeski, Corey Bugler) , 19:20
| Period 2 | P.I.N.K. - Shaun Huel (Mark Sugar, koleton vandenheuvel) , 0:20
| P.I.N.K. - Michael Reimer (Corey Bugler, Justin Podhorodeski) , 5:15
| P.I.N.K. - Michael Reimer (Hafeez Kurji, Daniel Nugent-Bowman) , 6:30
| P.I.N.K. - Shaun Huel (koleton vandenheuvel, Jordan Kyte) , 7:45
| P.I.N.K. - Mark Sugar (Jordan Kyte, Aaron Carter (AP)) , 9:34
| P.I.N.K. - Michael Reimer (Aaron Carter (AP), Corey Bugler) , 10:50
| Balls of Fury - Derek Savage (Doniven Peters, Chris Blum) , 13:00
| P.I.N.K. - Michael Reimer (unassisted) , 16:00
| P.I.N.K. - Mark Sugar (Hafeez Kurji, Aaron Carter (AP)) , 19:00
Penalties |
Period 1 | (no penalties)
| Period 2 | Balls of Fury - Brad Peters (Roughing), 2 min , 20:00 |
Rosters |
Balls of Fury |
P.I.N.K. |
Goalies |
Players |
Other facts |
Sk-134 , , Sk-106
Mark Emmons
Game Notes |
no notes entered for this game