Game Details |
Scoring |
Shots on Goal |
1 | 2 | 3 | Total |
The Beach Boyz |
3 | 3 | 4 | 10 |
Odds n Ends |
3 | 0 | 2 | 5 |
The Beach Boyz 36 Odds n Ends 23
Scoring Summary |
Period 1 | The Beach Boyz - Jason Dasilva (Bill Donaldson) , 3:42
| The Beach Boyz - Jason Lloyd (Ray Houle) , 4:31
| Odds n Ends - Shannon Whalen (Justin Gateley) , 5:03
| Odds n Ends - Mike Larocque (Justin Gateley) , 6:54
| Odds n Ends - Rick Lecompte (Justin Gateley) , 7:27
| The Beach Boyz - Ray Houle (unassisted) , 9:51
| Period 2 | The Beach Boyz - Jason Dasilva (Eric Lanciault) , 2:49
| The Beach Boyz - Bill Donaldson (Jean Marc Poirier) , 5:14
| The Beach Boyz - Eric Lanciault (power play) (Jean Marc Poirier) , 7:10
| Period 3 | The Beach Boyz - Jason Dasilva (Ray Houle) , 1:20
| The Beach Boyz - Bill Donaldson (Ray Houle) , 3:31
| The Beach Boyz - Eric Lanciault (Bill Donaldson) , 4:33
| Odds n Ends - Justin Gateley (Mike LaRocque) , 6:27
| The Beach Boyz - Jason Dasilva (Jason Lloyd) , 7:40
| Odds n Ends - Mike Larocque (Justin Gateley) , 9:43
Penalties |
Period 1 | (no penalties)
| Period 2 | Odds n Ends - Reid Castleman (Delay of Game), 2 min , 5:37 | Period 3 | (no penalties)
Rosters |
The Beach Boyz |
Odds n Ends |
Goalies |
Players |
Other facts |
24 , , 6
Tamara Ramsay
Game Notes |
no notes entered for this game