Game Details |
Scoring |
Shots on Goal |
1 | 2 | 3 | Total |
93 Designated Drinkers |
1 | 3 | 3 | 7 |
94 The Shacks |
0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
no shots recorded
Penalties |
Period 1 | 93 Designated Drinkers - John Hughey (Charging), 2 min , 10:30 | 94 The Shacks - Nick Hoffman (Hooking), 2 min , 13:15 | Period 2 | 93 Designated Drinkers - Dan White (Checking from Behind(Major), 5 min , 0:30 | 94 The Shacks - Steve Klose (Checking from Behind), 2 min , 13:00 | Period 3 | 93 Designated Drinkers - Dan White (Charging), 2 min , 0:00 | 94 The Shacks - Wayne Carr (Charging), 2 min , 8:20 | 94 The Shacks - Wayne Carr (Butt-Ending(Major), 5 min , 13:50 |
Rosters |
93 Designated Drinkers |
94 The Shacks |
Goalies |
Name |
Min |
Shots |
Saves |
John Hughey |
42 |
no shots recorded |
Name |
Min |
Shots |
Saves |
Mark Goff |
42 |
no shots recorded |
Players |
Other facts |
Default Referee, , Default Linesman
Jim Riley
Game Notes |
no notes entered for this game