Game Details |
Scoring |
Shots on Goal |
1 | 2 | 3 | Total |
Chuck Brown and the Goal Searchers |
3 | 0 | 4 | 7 |
30+ House |
3 | 3 | 2 | 8 |
Chuck Brown and the Goal Searchers 33 30+ House 57
Scoring Summary |
Period 1 | Chuck Brown and the Goal Searchers - Aaron Rinna (Noah Smitt, Ted Kinczkowski) , 1:12
| 30+ House - M Bone (sub) (Bill Mitton (sub)) , 4:34
| Chuck Brown and the Goal Searchers - Noah Smitt (Aaron Rinna, Ted Kinczkowski) , 7:15
| 30+ House - Steve Topolski (M Bone (sub)) , 9:20
| 30+ House - Bill Mitton (sub) (Brian Withers) , 11:30
| Chuck Brown and the Goal Searchers - Ted Kinczkowski (unassisted) , 13:40
| Period 2 | 30+ House - Bill Mitton (sub) (Kenneth Schaffer) , 9:35
| 30+ House - Brian Withers (M Bone (sub), Kenneth Schaffer) , 12:08
| 30+ House - Bill Mitton (sub) (unassisted) , 13:30
| Period 3 | Chuck Brown and the Goal Searchers - Aaron Rinna (unassisted) , 4:35
| Chuck Brown and the Goal Searchers - Aaron Rinna (Noah Smitt) , 5:35
| Chuck Brown and the Goal Searchers - Aaron Rinna (unassisted) , 6:16
| 30+ House - Brian Withers (unassisted) , 8:27
| 30+ House - Brian Withers (unassisted) , 11:28
| Chuck Brown and the Goal Searchers - Matt Knot (Noah Smitt) , 12:23
Penalties |
Period 1 | 30+ House - M Bone (sub) (Unsportsmanlike Conduct), 2 min , 10:46 | Period 2 | (no penalties)
| Period 3 | Chuck Brown and the Goal Searchers - Tyler Randall (Roughing), 2 min , 9:48 | 30+ House - M Bone (sub) (Unsportsmanlike Conduct), 2 min , 10:46 | 30+ House - M Bone (sub) (Game Misconduct(Game Misconduct 0), 0 min , 13:48 |
Rosters |
Chuck Brown and the Goal Searchers |
30+ House |
Goalies |
Players |
Other facts |
Mario Giangrande, , Rob Peters
Mark Wilson
Game Notes |
no notes entered for this game