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Playoffs 2011 - Stats

Statistics: Batting | Pitching | Fielding | Team Batting Totals | Team Pitching Totals | Team Fielding Totals

Pitching Stats

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ERA - Minimum inning(s) pitched per team game - .8  

Player Team ERA PFR BIPA K/9 BB/9 ERC FPS%
Zuk, J UWO 0.00 2.000 0.077 12.600 5.400 .447 0.550
Wilson, T UT 1.64 0.636 0.184 3.273 2.455 1.595 0.500
Petruska, J WLU 2.00 0.444 0.242 3.000 1.000 1.814 0.667
Paish, A UWO 2.00 2.000 0.300 15.000 3.000 1.595 0.657
Van Pelt, B WLU 3.00 1.222 0.103 7.000 4.000 .591 0.529
Bergman, A UT 3.86 1.143 0.200 5.143 5.143 2.562 0.586
Robinson, K BRO 6.75 2.000 0.211 4.500 13.500 7.827 0.286
Harrison, T BRO 9.00 2.000 0.100 4.500 13.500 4.017 0.545
Champ, J BRO 12.00 1.333 0.357 12.000 0.000 9.126 0.444
Malone, J WLU 12.60 1.000 0.360 5.400 3.600 8.491 0.607
Note: Statistics are based on 4 of 6 games scored.