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IBL Playoffs 2010 - Stats

Statistics: Batting | Pitching | Fielding | Team Batting Totals | Team Pitching Totals | Team Fielding Totals

Pitching Stats

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Player Team ERA PFR BIPA K/9 BB/9 ERC FPS%
Meyers, M Brantford 2.51 1.558 0.273 11.093 2.930 2.724 0.619
Kemlo, C Barrie 3.16 0.798 0.261 5.457 1.723 3.164 0.630
Hart, R Guelph 3.18 0.662 0.239 3.176 2.779 4.734 0.566
Bissell, B Barrie 2.70 0.900 0.307 5.400 2.700 4.466 0.644
Ribas, G Brantford 0.28 1.011 0.247 7.958 1.137 1.159 0.675
Spoljaric, P Barrie 2.08 0.758 0.268 5.934 0.890 1.896 0.684
Major, M Brantford 6.75 1.841 0.320 11.045 5.523 6.144 0.536
St. Gelais, A London 4.10 1.139 0.211 6.835 3.418 3.306 0.649
Palmer, J London 4.57 1.200 0.275 6.231 4.569 5.788 0.698
Hawes, A Barrie 4.61 1.024 0.292 7.244 1.976 5.028 0.607
Speck, B Brantford 2.25 1.000 0.188 4.500 4.500 4.014 0.444
Alexander, J Brantford 1.69 0.937 0.326 5.062 3.375 5.867 0.708
Romano, C Guelph 5.40 2.000 0.292 9.000 9.000 12.3 0.600
Breault, Z London 5.48 2.250 0.329 13.922 6.328 5.226 0.560
Bratton, T Kitchener 1.17 0.913 0.286 5.870 2.348 3.863 0.576
Sinko, D Kitchener 0.00 0.462 0.286 4.154 0.000 1.892 0.563
Goemans, M Guelph 4.74 1.158 0.250 4.263 6.158 5.339 0.570
Robinson, S Brantford 0.98 0.491 0.250 4.418 0.000 3.403 0.684
Mashinter, R Toronto 15.00 1.333 0.333 3.000 9.000 13.558 0.579
McGillivray, M Kitchener 5.57 0.667 0.202 2.571 3.429 5.88 0.553
Dimma, D Barrie 5.40 1.200 0.375 5.400 5.400 18.069 0.222
Deska, M Toronto 6.17 1.886 0.257 12.343 4.629 8.398 0.714
Bruce, T Kitchener 13.50 0.500 0.200 0.000 4.500 9.837 0.364
Robinson, K Mississauga 1.42 1.105 0.348 7.105 2.842 6.317 0.607
Bannister, M Mississauga 9.64 1.714 0.348 7.714 7.714 15.828 0.607
Ogiltree, J Brantford 0.00 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 3.472 0.800
Vant Wout, A Guelph 13.50 1.000 0.500 9.000 0.000 20.71 0.667
Souter, D Guelph 0.00 1.286 0.231 3.857 7.714 8.68 0.643
Melehes, M Guelph 3.92 1.016 0.219 6.968 2.177 3.304 0.656
Van Spronsen, R Hamilton 9.82 0.273 0.435 0.000 2.455 15.217 0.739
Hancock, S Kitchener 6.57 1.459 0.217 7.297 5.838 9.308 0.623
Chambers, C London 0.00 9.000 0.000 27.000 54.000 -.56 0.667
Pace, F Mississauga 18.00 4.000 0.273 18.000 18.000 14.916 0.286
England, C Barrie 5.40 1.000 0.300 5.400 3.600 6.305 0.652
Hill, J Barrie 0.00 1.000 0.333 9.000 0.000 1.953 0.750
Hines, J Barrie 9.00 1.000 0.600 9.000 0.000 14.519 0.500
Kudryk, A Mississauga 11.05 1.636 0.353 8.591 6.136 11.094 0.690
Witmer, L Toronto 1.93 0.429 0.278 1.929 1.929 3.598 0.526
Fairfull, C Guelph 9.00 1.000 0.500 9.000 0.000 7.482 0.600
Fortuna, M Hamilton 3.38 0.750 0.222 6.750 0.000 1.102 0.636
Fasulo, N Hamilton 0.00 1.125 0.091 6.750 3.375 2.961 0.385
Brennan, M London 6.75 3.750 0.250 6.750 27.000 23.843 0.444
Farquhar, B Kitchener 15.00 0.667 0.395 3.000 3.000 15.113 0.542
McKay, K Kitchener 3.86 1.714 0.308 3.857 11.571 12.614 0.857
Boag, A London 12.71 1.941 0.423 11.118 6.353 16.966 0.618
Benoit, K Mississauga 5.40 2.100 0.056 2.700 16.200 4.229 0.579
James, M Brantford 0.00 1.059 0.208 4.765 4.765 3.954 0.667
Byron, G Guelph 0.00 0.938 0.100 5.063 3.375 1.982 0.875
Gottschalk, M Hamilton 18.00 1.000 0.368 0.000 9.000 14.438 0.632
Farquharson, J Hamilton 6.75 1.313 0.375 6.750 5.063 8.313 0.714
Mitro, M London 3.27 1.000 0.292 5.727 3.273 5.588 0.630
Cole, S Mississauga 9.53 0.529 0.286 3.176 1.588 8.401 0.760
Price, S Barrie 0.00 0.000 0.333 0.000 0.000 2.791 0.667
Martin, B Mississauga 23.14 3.000 0.400 15.429 11.571 21.629 0.667
Ramsdale, R Brantford 0.00 0.000 0.333 0.000 0.000 2.791 0.333
Banski, A Mississauga 0.00 1.286 0.375 11.571 0.000 5.315 0.727
Corcoran, B Toronto 15.00 1.333 0.444 6.000 6.000 15.317 0.632
Powell, C Toronto 3.86 0.857 0.375 7.714 0.000 3.748 0.800
Garner, A Barrie 2.16 1.200 0.148 7.560 3.240 2.218 0.853
Payne, K Barrie 6.75 1.750 0.333 4.500 11.250 10.591 0.522
Dillabough, R Barrie 0.00 1.000 0.000 9.000 0.000 -.56 0.333
Nagorski, C Guelph 2.57 0.857 0.214 3.857 3.857 3.149 0.581
Lawson, B Guelph 9.82 1.545 0.245 5.727 8.182 8.57 0.621
Wilson, T Kitchener 13.50 0.750 0.500 0.000 6.750 25.15 0.875
Childs, K Kitchener 0.00 0.667 0.125 6.000 0.000 -.225 1.000
Bate, C London 16.20 2.400 0.294 8.100 13.500 17.889 0.700
DeGrace, K Toronto 0.00 1.000 0.000 9.000 0.000 1.443 0.375
Lockwood, J Toronto 4.50 1.000 0.211 7.500 1.500 4.346 0.385
Chrysler, D Hamilton 11.57 1.286 0.267 0.000 11.571 11.736 0.400
Martinow, M Hamilton 6.48 0.360 0.297 1.080 2.160 6.207 0.692
Gallo, J Toronto 9.00 0.800 0.474 5.400 1.800 17.275 0.542
Bell, B Brantford 0.00 1.500 0.000 13.500 0.000 -.56 1.000
Volpato, J Hamilton 0.00 0.500 0.143 4.500 0.000 .407 0.875
Miville-Deschenes, P London 13.50 1.800 0.353 8.100 8.100 15.949 0.500
Sikorski, M Toronto 10.13 1.875 0.214 3.375 13.500 18.158 0.688
Taylor, D Toronto 15.88 1.059 0.259 4.765 4.765 18.556 0.606
Walker, M Toronto 9.64 0.643 0.364 1.929 3.857 20.64 0.640
Strecker, S Brantford 7.71 0.857 0.455 3.857 3.857 12.607 1.083
Murray, S Brantford 0.00 1.000 0.000 9.000 0.000 -.56 0.667
Noack, R Hamilton 4.15 0.692 0.273 4.154 2.077 7.042 0.600