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AA Reg Season 2021 - Player Search

Players by Last Name


Players by Position


Players by Last Name: S

Player Team
Bryan Sabatella OF Kansas City Monarchs
Stefan Sabol 1B Winnipeg Goldeyes
Ray Sadler RF Kansas City Monarchs
Wilfred Salaman P Milwaukee Milkmen
Chris Salamida P Winnipeg Goldeyes
William Salas IF Houston Apollos
Richard Salazar P Sioux City Explorers
Chris Salberg P Sioux Falls Canaries
Santos Saldivar P Lincoln Saltdogs
Frank Salerno IF Fargo-Moorhead RedHawks
Jhonleider Salinas P Sioux City Explorers
Carlton Salters OF Gary SouthShore RailCats
Carlton Salters OF Lincoln Saltdogs
Alec Sames C Fargo-Moorhead RedHawks
Keyvius Sampson P Kansas City Monarchs
Jamie Samson CM Winnipeg Goldeyes
Nate Samson IF Sioux City Explorers
Mario Samuel P Gary SouthShore RailCats
Mark Samuelson IF Lincoln Saltdogs
Nolan Sanburn P Winnipeg Goldeyes
Fernelys Sanchez OF Cleburne Railroaders
Gerardo Sanchez P Sioux City Explorers
Isaac Sanchez P Cleburne Railroaders
Jesus Sanchez P Cleburne Railroaders
Karexon Sanchez IF Kansas City Monarchs
Kris Sanchez 1B Kansas City Monarchs
Matt Sanchez P Houston Apollos
Yunesky Sanchez IF Cleburne Railroaders
Peyton Sanderlin P Gary SouthShore RailCats
John Sansone IF Lincoln Saltdogs
Kevin Santa IF Kansas City Monarchs
Felix Santiago P Gary SouthShore RailCats
Gaspar Santiago P Kansas City Monarchs
Pascual Santiago FC Gary SouthShore RailCats
Randy Santiesteban IF Gary SouthShore RailCats
Ben Santori P Gary SouthShore RailCats
Nick Santoro IF Kane County Cougars
Adalberto Santos IF Fargo-Moorhead RedHawks
Reid Santos P Kansas City Monarchs
Trae Santos IF Sioux Falls Canaries
Luis Sanz P Fargo-Moorhead RedHawks
Dave Sappelt OF Winnipeg Goldeyes
Steven Sarcone P Kansas City Monarchs
Ryan Sasaki P Winnipeg Goldeyes
Adam Sasser IF Sioux City Explorers
Cody Satterwhite P Sioux City Explorers
Dan Sattler P Fargo-Moorhead RedHawks
Dan Sattler P Kansas City Monarchs
Bryan Saucedo P Cleburne Railroaders
Will Savage OF Gary SouthShore RailCats
Logan Sawyer P Chicago Dogs
Liam Scafariello DH Milwaukee Milkmen
Liam Scafariello OF Winnipeg Goldeyes
J.T. Scara TC Gary SouthShore RailCats
Cody Scarpetta P Fargo-Moorhead RedHawks
Max Scell PH Kane County Cougars
Shawn Schaefer P Gary SouthShore RailCats
Brad Schaenzer P Gary SouthShore RailCats
Eric Schaler P Kansas City Monarchs
Dave Schaub Kansas City Monarchs
Max Schell C Kane County Cougars
Kyle Schepel P Sioux Falls Canaries
Derek Schermerhorn IF Sioux City Explorers
Hayden Schilling IF Gary SouthShore RailCats
Michael Schlact MG Fargo-Moorhead RedHawks
Jared Schlehuber IF Fargo-Moorhead RedHawks
Ryan Schlosser P Winnipeg Goldeyes
Alex Schmidt IF Lincoln Saltdogs
Matt Schmidt HiC Gary SouthShore RailCats
Nick Schreiber P Lincoln Saltdogs
Michael Schroeder 1B Gary SouthShore RailCats
A.J. Schugel P Kansas City Monarchs
A.J. Schugel P Milwaukee Milkmen
Max Schuh P Sioux City Explorers
Matthew Schuld P Fargo-Moorhead RedHawks
Bo Schultz P Sioux Falls Canaries
Chuck Schultz CM Gary SouthShore RailCats
John Schultz OF Lincoln Saltdogs
Mike Schultz C Fargo-Moorhead RedHawks
Clayton Schulz P Fargo-Moorhead RedHawks
Nick Schulz OF Lincoln Saltdogs
Nick Schumacher P Sioux City Explorers
Patrick Schuster P Fargo-Moorhead RedHawks
Nick Schwaner IF Kansas City Monarchs
Mike Schwartz OF Fargo-Moorhead RedHawks
Paul Schwendel P Chicago Dogs
Eric Schwieger P Sioux City Explorers
Michael Scimanico P Milwaukee Milkmen
Ryan Scoma OF Winnipeg Goldeyes
Jack Scott P Kane County Cougars
Kristian Scott P Gary SouthShore RailCats
Levi Scott IF Cleburne Railroaders
Tayler Scott P Sioux City Explorers
Chris Scura OF Milwaukee Milkmen
Rod Scurry P Sioux Falls Canaries
Travis Seabrooke P Winnipeg Goldeyes
Trevor Sealey OF Lincoln Saltdogs
Jordan Sechler P Sioux Falls Canaries
Joel Seddon P Sioux Falls Canaries
Jason Seever P Lincoln Saltdogs
Darren Seferina IF Winnipeg Goldeyes
Alejando Segovia C Kansas City Monarchs
Hayden Seig P Fargo-Moorhead RedHawks
Katsuya Senoo IF Gary SouthShore RailCats
Matt Sergey P Kansas City Monarchs
Jeff Serin P Houston Apollos
Jose Sermo IF Sioux City Explorers
KC Serna IF Sioux Falls Canaries
Robby Sexton P Winnipeg Goldeyes
Mark Seyler P Gary SouthShore RailCats
Mark Seyler P Kane County Cougars
Mark Seyler P Sioux Falls Canaries
Anfernee Seymour OF Kane County Cougars
Stephen Shackleford P Sioux City Explorers
Aaron Shafer P Fargo-Moorhead RedHawks
Justin Shafer P Kansas City Monarchs
Asif Shah OF Lincoln Saltdogs
D.J. Sharabi P Cleburne Railroaders
D.J. Sharabi P Sioux Falls Canaries
Scott Shaw P Kansas City Monarchs
John Sheaks P Gary SouthShore RailCats
Ole Sheldon HiC Kane County Cougars
Ryan Sheldon P Lincoln Saltdogs
Hayden Shenefield P Cleburne Railroaders
Matthew Shepherd P Lincoln Saltdogs
Jeff Shields P Kansas City Monarchs
Brandon Shimo P Chicago Dogs
Charlie Shirek P Fargo-Moorhead RedHawks
Derek Shomon C Cleburne Railroaders
Bobby Shore P Kansas City Monarchs
Mark Shorey OF Sioux Falls Canaries
Tyler Shover C Sioux Falls Canaries
John Shull P Cleburne Railroaders
Nick Shumpert IF Fargo-Moorhead RedHawks
Clayton Shunick P Winnipeg Goldeyes
Johnny Shuttlesworth P Kansas City Monarchs
Grant Sides P Kansas City Monarchs
Chris Siegfried P Fargo-Moorhead RedHawks
Anibal Sierra IF Kansas City Monarchs
Anibal Sierra IF Milwaukee Milkmen
Carlos Sierra P Sioux City Explorers
Jackson Sigman P Fargo-Moorhead RedHawks
Cas Silber P Gary SouthShore RailCats
Matt Silberman P Cleburne Railroaders
Rubi Silva OF Sioux Falls Canaries
John Silviano OF Fargo-Moorhead RedHawks
Eric Sim P Winnipeg Goldeyes
Kevin Simmons P Sioux Falls Canaries
Trevor Simms P Sioux Falls Canaries
Tom Simon TR Chicago Dogs
Chase Simpson IF Cleburne Railroaders
Jake Simpson C Cleburne Railroaders
Doug Simunic MG Fargo-Moorhead RedHawks
Steve Singleton IF Winnipeg Goldeyes
Justin Sinibaldi P Gary SouthShore RailCats
Brandon Sinnery P Lincoln Saltdogs
Jonathan Sintes P Winnipeg Goldeyes
Eddie Sipple P Winnipeg Goldeyes
Dalbert Siri P Kansas City Monarchs
Misael Siverio P Milwaukee Milkmen
Misael Siverio P Sioux Falls Canaries
Marshall Skinner C Gary SouthShore RailCats
Michael Slaten P Sioux City Explorers
Brendan Slattery C Sioux City Explorers
David Slovak P Lincoln Saltdogs
Jamey Smart 1B Lincoln Saltdogs
Jamey Smart IF Sioux City Explorers
James Smibert IF Sioux City Explorers
Anthony Smith P Winnipeg Goldeyes
Ben Smith P Lincoln Saltdogs
Brendan Smith P Chicago Dogs
Brett Smith OF Sioux City Explorers
Brian Smith P Houston Apollos
Brian Smith P Lincoln Saltdogs
Curt Smith IF Lincoln Saltdogs
Derek Smith C Gary SouthShore RailCats
Donnie R. Smith P Fargo-Moorhead RedHawks
Evan Smith P Chicago Dogs
Harrison Smith IF Chicago Dogs
Hunter Smith P Kansas City Monarchs
Jackson Smith C Gary SouthShore RailCats
Jake Smith P Sioux Falls Canaries
Jeremy Smith P Cleburne Railroaders
Jesse Smith P Lincoln Saltdogs
Jon Smith OF Lincoln Saltdogs
Jonah Smith P Sioux City Explorers
Jordan Smith OF Sioux Falls Canaries
Matt Smith P Kansas City Monarchs
Myles Smith P Gary SouthShore RailCats
Myles Smith P Milwaukee Milkmen
Pierce Smith P Houston Apollos
Sean M. Smith CF Lincoln Saltdogs
Tim Smith OF Winnipeg Goldeyes
Tucker Smith P Houston Apollos
Tyler Smith C Gary SouthShore RailCats
Tyler Smith P Winnipeg Goldeyes
Jeffrey Sneed C Gary SouthShore RailCats
Kramer Sneed P Sioux City Explorers
Zeb Sneed P Lincoln Saltdogs
D.J. Snelten P Chicago Dogs
Duncan Snider P Houston Apollos
Jessie Snodgrass P Gary SouthShore RailCats
Andrew Snowdon P Sioux City Explorers
Justin Snyder IF Kansas City Monarchs
Matt Snyder P Fargo-Moorhead RedHawks
Ryan Soares IF Fargo-Moorhead RedHawks
Bill Sobbe HiC Kansas City Monarchs
Jake Sobbe C Kansas City Monarchs
Mark Sobolewski 3B Sioux City Explorers
Alex Sogard P Fargo-Moorhead RedHawks
Andrew Sohn IF Winnipeg Goldeyes
Will Solomon P Sioux Falls Canaries
Jesus Solorzano OF Lincoln Saltdogs
Matt Solter P Gary SouthShore RailCats
Matt Solter P Milwaukee Milkmen
Matt Sommo P Sioux Falls Canaries
Lee Sosa P Kansas City Monarchs
Buddy Sosnoskie OF Fargo-Moorhead RedHawks
Bobby Spain HiC Gary SouthShore RailCats
Taylor Sparks IF Kansas City Monarchs
Robby Spencer IF Winnipeg Goldeyes
Conor Spink P Winnipeg Goldeyes
Andrew Spinnenweber P Gary SouthShore RailCats
Lance Spongberg P Sioux City Explorers
Billy Spottiswood P Winnipeg Goldeyes
Billy Spottiswood P Gary SouthShore RailCats
Jeff Squier IF Sioux City Explorers
Chris Squires P Fargo-Moorhead RedHawks
Chris Squires P Gary SouthShore RailCats
Chris Squires P Kansas City Monarchs
Ed Stabile AC Lincoln Saltdogs
Deon Stafford Jr. C Winnipeg Goldeyes
David Stagg P Gary SouthShore RailCats
AJ Staiert IF Sioux City Explorers
Joe Staley C Fargo-Moorhead RedHawks
Jesse Stallings P Lincoln Saltdogs
Zach Staniewicz P Sioux Falls Canaries
Drew Stankiewicz IF Fargo-Moorhead RedHawks
Drew Stankiewicz IF Sioux City Explorers
Taylor Stanton P Lincoln Saltdogs
Keaton Steele P Sioux Falls Canaries
Max Steffens P Kane County Cougars
Craig Stem P Lincoln Saltdogs
Brandon Stennis P Sioux City Explorers
Coleman Stephens P Gary SouthShore RailCats
Trevor Stephens IF Gary SouthShore RailCats
Chuck Stewart PC Lincoln Saltdogs
Nathan Stewart P Sioux Falls Canaries
Steven Stewart P Kansas City Monarchs
Tyler Stirewalt P Fargo-Moorhead RedHawks
Richard Stock C Sioux Falls Canaries
Adam Stockwell P Sioux Falls Canaries
Beau Stoker 3B Kansas City Monarchs
Jeffrey Stoner P Winnipeg Goldeyes
Lee Stoppelman P Kansas City Monarchs
Clint Stottlemyre IF Kansas City Monarchs
Andrew Stout P Chicago Dogs
Andrew Stout P Kane County Cougars
Eric Stout P Kansas City Monarchs
Ryan Stovall IF Fargo-Moorhead RedHawks
Brady Stover P Fargo-Moorhead RedHawks
Brady Stover P Sioux Falls Canaries
John Straka P Sioux Falls Canaries
Jeremy Strawn P Kansas City Monarchs
Josh Strawn P Sioux Falls Canaries
Cody Strayer P Winnipeg Goldeyes
Sam Street P Kansas City Monarchs
Shane Street P Sioux Falls Canaries
Nate Striz P Lincoln Saltdogs
Tasker Strobel P Gary SouthShore RailCats
Ryan Strufing P Lincoln Saltdogs
Aaron Stubblefield U Houston Apollos
Austin Stubbs OF Sioux City Explorers
Gavin Stupienski C Winnipeg Goldeyes
Cole Sturgeon OF Milwaukee Milkmen
Alixon Suarez C Winnipeg Goldeyes
Benny Suarez P Sioux Falls Canaries
Gabe Suarez MG Cleburne Railroaders
JC Sulbaran P Winnipeg Goldeyes
Steve Sulcoski C Sioux Falls Canaries
Conor Sullivan C Winnipeg Goldeyes
Keaton Sullivan P Sioux City Explorers
Zach Sullivan OF Lincoln Saltdogs
Alex Sumner IF Fargo-Moorhead RedHawks
Alex Sunderland P Fargo-Moorhead RedHawks
Richard Suniga P Cleburne Railroaders
Dillon Sunnafrank P Lincoln Saltdogs
Jack Surin C Kane County Cougars
Norberto Susini C Kansas City Monarchs
Eric Suttle OF Gary SouthShore RailCats
Blake Svoboda P Sioux Falls Canaries
Nick Svoboda TR Lincoln Saltdogs
Darnell Sweeney OF Kansas City Monarchs
Kevin Sweeney P Gary SouthShore RailCats
Steve Swingle C Kansas City Monarchs
Derrick Sylve P Houston Apollos