
Atlantic Collegiate Baseball League

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Playoffs 2021 - Stats

Statistics: Batting | Pitching | Fielding | Team Batting Totals | Team Pitching Totals | Team Fielding Totals

Pitching Stats

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ERA - Minimum inning(s) pitched per team game - .8  

Player Team ERA PFR BIPA K/9 BB/9 ERC FPS%
Carr, J NJE 0.00 1.333 0.250 10.500 1.500 2.247 0.000
Graber, N QB 0.00 1.000 0.200 6.750 2.250 3.213 0.000
Sabbers, H NJE 1.29 2.143 0.091 9.000 10.286 2.417 0.000
Maria, D TG 1.50 0.833 0.217 3.000 4.500 3.665 0.000
Pucek, J JP 2.25 1.375 0.231 9.000 3.375 3.391 0.000
Sabo, C JP 2.25 3.250 0.167 15.750 13.500 4.739 0.000
Santoriello, M NYP 3.00 1.333 0.600 12.000 0.000 8.056 0.000
Curley, H TG 3.60 1.000 0.273 3.600 5.400 8.038 0.000
Allen, W JP 3.60 1.200 0.227 5.400 5.400 3.799 0.000
Sujak, A NJE 3.60 2.000 0.176 10.800 7.200 3.291 0.000
Capuano, C JP 3.86 1.143 0.292 10.286 0.000 2.22 0.000
Esposito, J NYP 4.15 1.615 0.316 6.231 8.308 11.487 0.000
Rivas, D NJE 4.50 1.333 0.208 7.500 4.500 6.01 0.000
Keller, M TG 5.00 1.333 0.242 7.000 5.000 4.106 0.000
Cartafalsa, E TG 5.40 1.350 0.231 8.100 4.050 4.181 0.000
Grant, J NJE 5.40 2.800 0.100 10.800 14.400 4.088 0.000
DelGuercio, F TG 5.68 1.579 0.318 9.947 4.263 4.273 0.000
Sheets, J TG 6.23 1.615 0.471 10.385 4.154 11.091 0.000
Christian, B QB 6.75 1.500 0.474 9.000 4.500 12.009 0.000
Sagevick, D NYP 9.00 4.000 0.429 22.500 13.500 10.759 0.000
Aich, C NYP 9.00 4.000 0.273 13.500 22.500 18.854 0.000
Pennisi, G NYP 21.60 1.800 0.000 0.000 16.200 31.24 0.000