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IBL Playoffs 2022 - Stats

Statistics: Batting | Pitching | Fielding | Team Batting Totals | Team Pitching Totals | Team Fielding Totals

Batting Stats

Batting Stats | Expanded Batting Stats | Sabermetric Batting Stats     [Filter By: Last 7 days | Last 30 days ]

AVG - Minimum of plate appearances per team game - 3.1  

Reilly, S Gue DH .500 1.582 1.056 .526 19
Newton, J Ldn IF .483 1.277 .733 .544 68
Pompey, D Gue OF .462 1.317 .769 .548 31
Wilson, T Bfd LF .455 .993 .455 .538 13
Knecht, M Tor OF .446 1.322 .839 .483 60
Brown, H Well OF .440 1.037 .520 .517 29
Morro, C Gue IF .440 1.173 .640 .533 30
Dupuis, T Well IF .407 1.114 .630 .484 31
Perrier, D Ldn 1B .405 .876 .429 .447 47
Infante, B Bar OF .400 1.138 .600 .538 13
Reichstein, B Ldn OF .391 1.233 .761 .472 53
Jean, L Ham IF .389 1.068 .639 .429 42
Wright, T Ldn IF .386 1.133 .684 .449 69
Porcellato, M Well IF .375 1.167 .667 .500 30
Collymore, M Gue OF .357 .952 .607 .345 29
Mullen, R Ldn C .340 .899 .440 .459 61
Castaldo, J Tor IF .340 .944 .509 .435 62
Smibert, J Well IF .333 .942 .567 .375 32
Rijo, R Bar IF .333 1.468 1.083 .385 13
Jarvis, J Kit OF .333 .733 .333 .400 10
Vinicio, J Tor IF .333 .880 .474 .406 65
Marra, J Tor C .314 1.043 .686 .357 56
Gideon, J Well OF .310 1.123 .759 .364 33
Anderson, J Bar OF .308 .616 .308 .308 13
Nahrabeki, S Kit OF .300 .717 .300 .417 12
Plumpton, T Bar C .300 .664 .300 .364 12
Solazzo, J Tor IF .294 .732 .353 .379 58
Joseph, S Ldn OF .288 1.030 .615 .415 65
Romanin, M Well C .280 .998 .560 .438 32
Carrington, G Tor OF .277 .731 .404 .327 52
Whalen, S Kit IF .273 .878 .545 .333 12
Brownlee, C Ldn DH .273 .748 .455 .293 58
Jacklin, B Kit OF .273 .606 .273 .333 13
Buonaiuto, A Ham OF .267 .657 .367 .290 31
Wilkie, A Ldn OF .265 .610 .265 .345 55
Kandel, K Ldn IF .261 .756 .370 .386 57
Underwood, J Ham C .259 .745 .333 .412 34
Duncan, T Ham RF .257 .852 .486 .366 41
Lewis, C Tor OF .255 .610 .314 .296 56
Topolie, D Tor DH .255 .598 .298 .300 50
Fishbaum, J Bfd OF .250 .607 .250 .357 14
Veilleux, J Ham C .250 .806 .438 .368 38
Marra, D Tor IF .234 .582 .255 .327 55
Ryan, E Bfd IF .231 .594 .308 .286 14
Burnside, R Ham C .222 .606 .306 .300 40
Renaud, L Ham IF .206 .505 .235 .270 37
Morello, G Well OF .200 .594 .300 .294 34
Cawker, S Well C .192 .690 .346 .344 32
Dei Baning, D Ham OF .189 .572 .270 .302 43
Jansen, O Bar IF .182 .539 .182 .357 14
Williams, J Gue OF .174 .513 .217 .296 27
Marsden, K Kit IF .167 .334 .167 .167 12
Burdett, N Bfd OF .167 .321 .167 .154 13
Leader, A Kit OF .167 .334 .167 .167 12
Wilson, J Bar OF .154 .308 .154 .154 13
Garton, J Gue OF .125 .763 .500 .263 19
Young, J Bfd IF .111 .444 .111 .333 12
Gallagher, N Bfd PH .111 .311 .111 .200 10
Keen, R Bfd C .091 .322 .091 .231 13
Odd, A Bar IF .083 .237 .083 .154 13