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Playoffs - Stats


Statistics: Batting | Pitching | Fielding | Team Totals

Batting Stats

Batting Stats | Expanded Batting Stats | Sabermetric Batting Stats     [ Filter By : Last 7 | Last 30 ]

AVG - Minimum of plate appearances per team game - 2.7  

Deleon, L UBS IF .750 1.500 .750 .750 4
Fisher, N GEN IF .545 1.433 .818 .615 13
Richardson, K EP C .500 1.500 1.000 .500 4
Navarro, N SS IF .500 1.350 .750 .600 5
Skrine, J SS OF .500 1.750 1.25 .500 4
Seng, C ALB OF .500 1.100 .500 .600 15
Travinski, H SS C .500 1.250 .500 .750 4
Maurice, K MV C .500 2.750 2000 .750 4
Flores, R ADK IF .476 .998 .476 .522 23
Doss, Z ADK C .467 .996 .467 .529 17
Jordan, L AM IF .444 1.127 .556 .571 14
Costes, M AM IF .421 1.500 1.000 .500 22
Rotondo, C ADK OF .400 1.344 .880 .464 28
Jimenez, K AM IF .400 1.017 .467 .550 20
Reese, D AM OF .381 1.004 .524 .480 25
McGee, R ALB OF .364 .831 .364 .467 15
Burns, A ADK IF .364 .940 .500 .440 25
Hamilton, C ADK C .360 .869 .440 .429 28
LaBrasca, N GEN 1B .357 .714 .357 .357 14
Pellis, T ALB U .333 .802 .417 .385 13
Ledford, N SS IF .333 .833 .333 .500 4
Hartigan, M AM OF .333 1.312 .944 .368 19
Metzinger, B ALB C .333 .718 .333 .385 13
Corliss, C EP C .333 .833 .333 .500 4
Young, R UBS IF .333 .666 .333 .333 4
Bench, J ALB IF .333 .786 .500 .286 14
Parkinson, M UBS C .333 .666 .333 .333 3
Simpson, C ADK OF .318 .787 .364 .423 26
Cimini, V ADK IF .316 .803 .368 .435 24
Barrella, R AM OF .316 .865 .474 .391 23
Swarmer, D GEN C .300 .864 .500 .364 11
Kauffman, B GEN IF .300 .817 .400 .417 12
Roose, A ALB C .273 .749 .364 .385 13
Franzoni, P AM C .273 .606 .273 .333 15
Solimine, R ADK P .263 .616 .316 .300 20
Dorighi, B EP OF .250 .750 .500 .250 4
Treble, H GEN OF .250 .583 .250 .333 10
Phillips, B UBS OF .250 .750 .500 .250 4
Moore, B EP IF .250 .650 .250 .400 5
Mejia, J EP OF .250 .650 .250 .400 5
Carpenter, J MV IF .250 .650 .250 .400 5
Enos, R UBS IF .250 .750 .500 .250 4
Sexton, A EP OF .250 .500 .250 .250 4
Poteet, D AM OF .231 1.067 .692 .375 16
Sperling, D GEN IF .222 .555 .333 .222 9
Barbiere, J MV IF .200 .400 .200 .200 5
Noland, P ALB IF .200 .685 .300 .385 13
Josey, J MV IF .200 .400 .200 .200 5
Harmon, T EP IF .200 .400 .200 .200 5
Cotier, M SS IF .200 .400 .200 .200 5
Turconi, M AM IF .190 .451 .190 .261 23
Cosentino, P ADK IF .190 .701 .381 .320 25
White, T GEN OF .182 .672 .364 .308 13
Avallone, M GEN P .154 .308 .154 .154 13
Moskiewicz, B EP C .000 .250 .000 .250 4
Previsky, A UBS OF .000 .000 .000 .000 4
Sanford, M SS OF .000 .000 .000 .000 4
Lifrieri, D SS OF .000 .000 .000 .000 4
Cimillo, N MV OF .000 .400 .000 .400 5
Castronovo, V UBS OF .000 .000 .000 .000 4
Turner, L MV IF .000 .250 .000 .250 4
Hatcher, J UBS IF .000 .000 .000 .000 4
Klock, D MV OF .000 .000 .000 .000 4
Simon, T UBS IF .000 .500 .000 .500 4
Kelder, T SS OF .000 .000 .000 .000 4
Keenan, R MV OF .000 .250 .000 .250 4
Wosleger, O MV OF .000 .000 .000 .000 4
Henneman, T EP C .000 .000 .000 .000 4