
Saskatchewan Premier Baseball League

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SPBL 2018 - Stats

Statistics: Batting | Pitching | Fielding | Team Batting Totals | Team Pitching Totals | Team Fielding Totals

Pitching Stats

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ERA - Minimum inning(s) pitched per team game - .8  

Player Team ERA PFR BIPA K/9 BB/9 ERC FPS%
Graham, E SDB 2.28 1.075 0.291 8.100 1.575 2.999 0.000
Frey, J SKC 2.28 1.350 0.290 8.775 3.375 3.707 0.000
Huber, T NWP 2.53 1.518 0.352 12.036 1.627 4.044 0.000
Storozynsky, J SDB 2.66 2.848 0.161 14.354 11.278 4.91 0.000
Hom, J RGWP 2.79 1.383 0.214 5.484 6.961 4.259 0.000
Pelletier, J RGWP 3.00 1.034 0.299 6.580 2.723 4.938 0.000
Cleggett, J WSX 3.11 1.519 0.234 9.667 4.000 2.985 0.000
McGrath, M MRS 3.13 1.053 0.278 5.921 3.553 5.369 0.000
Bauml, D MRS 3.19 2.062 0.206 8.920 9.643 6.293 0.000
Froehlich, K MRS 3.20 1.413 0.253 9.783 2.935 2.405 0.000
Logan, B RA 3.27 1.267 0.298 8.700 2.700 3.217 0.000
Solie, D RGWP 3.38 1.688 0.324 12.054 3.134 4.167 0.000
Tehse, J SDB 3.98 1.295 0.260 7.389 4.263 5.4 0.000
Pollon, Z WSX 4.11 1.435 0.330 9.098 3.815 5.274 0.000
Nikolejsin, T SET 4.15 0.975 0.299 5.331 3.439 5.296 0.000
Lyons, B SET 4.33 1.024 0.269 5.143 4.071 5.006 0.000
Kleisinger, B WSX 4.34 1.109 0.286 7.043 2.935 3.783 0.000
Jeworski, Q RA 4.58 1.241 0.263 6.902 4.263 4.522 0.000
Jerome, P RA 4.68 1.058 0.296 6.604 2.914 4.03 0.000
Krysak, R SDB 4.91 1.247 0.321 6.312 4.909 6.888 0.000
Gartner, J NWP 4.96 1.792 0.354 11.625 4.500 5.019 0.000
Fritzke, L SC57 5.10 1.897 0.250 9.728 7.346 6.166 0.000
Boles, R SG 5.52 1.939 0.305 9.000 8.455 7.893 0.000
Robertson, B SKC 5.73 1.125 0.348 4.909 5.216 9.435 0.000
Campbell, L SG 5.96 1.541 0.333 9.486 4.378 7.372 0.000
Appel, T SG 6.04 1.237 0.336 6.750 4.387 7.449 0.000
Wouters, T SDB 6.08 1.934 0.253 11.368 6.039 4.857 0.000
Brons, M SKC 6.18 1.412 0.267 9.212 3.494 3.661 0.000
Gartner, A RGWP 6.66 1.463 0.304 7.244 5.927 7.98 0.000
Wall, B SC57 7.13 1.459 0.325 8.670 4.459 7.665 0.000
Weimer, Z SG 7.25 1.786 0.326 8.357 7.714 9.99 0.000
Souchotte, D NWP 7.26 1.556 0.341 7.000 7.000 11.746 0.000
Kopp, C SG 8.68 1.880 0.310 6.480 10.440 12.402 0.000
Klein, N SC57 10.09 2.059 0.294 8.471 10.059 11.234 0.000
Husband, T SET 10.24 1.650 0.317 4.725 10.125 12.793 0.000