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Summer 2015 - Stats

Statistics: Batting | Pitching | Fielding | Team Batting Totals | Team Pitching Totals | Team Fielding Totals

Batting Stats

Batting Stats | Expanded Batting Stats | Sabermetric Batting Stats     [Filter By: Last 7 days | Last 30 days ]

AVG - Minimum of plate appearances per team game - 2.7  

Hansen, B RIV OF .371 .986 .529 .457 263
Dudley, A NOR IF .346 .968 .522 .446 411
Gallagher, A WIN IF .338 1.037 .602 .435 336
Chirino, S NOR IF .337 .803 .426 .377 383
Schultz, J EVN OF .333 .963 .556 .407 400
Hur, M RFD OF .331 .862 .461 .401 409
Earley, M SIL OF .325 .865 .491 .374 427
Rodriguez, D RFD 1B .321 .771 .412 .359 398
Jacobs, B TC OF .320 .959 .554 .405 368
Austin, J TC OF .319 .812 .451 .361 277
Dean, J SCH IF .317 .813 .449 .364 290
Gates, A SIL OF .316 .861 .459 .402 428
Vargas, J TC IF .314 .827 .468 .359 383
Micowski, M NOR OF .314 .835 .441 .394 393
Ard, T RIV IF .313 1.031 .646 .385 413
Redal, C RIV OF .311 .759 .383 .376 450
Eberle, S FLO IF .309 .842 .465 .377 403
Sabourin, J SIL IF .309 .745 .382 .363 321
Livesay, C GAT OF .308 .723 .335 .388 306
Slaid, J RIV C .308 .822 .458 .364 314
Torres, M WIN IF .303 .766 .366 .400 420
Hidalgo, A LER IF .302 .773 .392 .381 331
Barraza, J LER C .294 .783 .433 .350 375
Garza, M JOL 3B .292 .739 .410 .329 414
White, M WIN OF .291 .813 .487 .326 379
Tierney, B FG IF .290 .772 .428 .344 389
Waldrip, B GAT IF .289 .780 .451 .329 386
Bates, P JOL OF .288 .768 .388 .380 301
Rodriguez, A JOL IF .287 .747 .378 .369 416
Colon, A SCH OF .287 .858 .458 .400 350
Massey, C SIL IF .286 .728 .382 .346 401
Kometani, Z RIV C .285 .823 .468 .355 357
Schulze, M SCH IF .285 .773 .362 .411 309
Fraga, D FLO IF .284 .752 .356 .396 381
Canela, D RIV C .284 .834 .476 .358 332
McKenna, P NOR IF .283 .963 .555 .408 417
Lucas, R NOR IF .282 .846 .507 .339 380
Kalamar, S WSH OF .280 .756 .410 .346 266
Rodriguez, J FG C .279 .642 .338 .304 360
Tomasovich, A TC IF .278 .727 .393 .334 330
Robinson, D RFD OF .274 .742 .412 .330 394
Vasquez, N SIL IF .273 .852 .483 .369 408
Martinez, F SIL IF .271 .746 .371 .375 390
Johnson, C WIN OF .271 .738 .425 .313 423
Bistagne, B RFD IF .270 .722 .371 .351 389
Prott, A LER OF .270 .710 .352 .358 270
Balog, N EVN 1B .268 .682 .370 .312 359
Roberts, N JOL OF .267 .841 .424 .417 278
Haupt, D FG C .267 .784 .465 .319 314
Ludy, J RIV C .267 .773 .423 .350 383
Wobrock, A WSH IF .266 .674 .349 .325 325
Sanchez, J LER IF .266 .685 .377 .308 394
Morales, J RIV IF .264 .692 .344 .348 302
Ford, M WSH IF .264 .691 .356 .335 270
Seigel, R GAT OF .263 .756 .383 .373 287
Monger, C NOR OF .263 .773 .411 .362 394
Brown, B GAT OF .261 .861 .503 .358 380
Marino, S SIL IF .260 .697 .380 .317 389
Allen, J EVN IF .259 .779 .411 .368 373
Mende, S WSH IF .259 .752 .412 .340 373
Crespo, H RIV IF .255 .672 .344 .328 386
Carcaise, S FG IF .253 .732 .400 .332 386
Buckner, G GAT U .252 .719 .400 .319 363
LaLonde, R WIN IF .249 .653 .341 .312 351
Poma, D WSH OF .248 .705 .362 .343 336
DeBlieux, J TC OF .247 .705 .364 .341 265
Brown, S FG OF .237 .645 .320 .325 409
Sweeney, C EVN OF .237 .744 .444 .300 377
Arbelo, Y TC IF .237 .664 .389 .275 357
Judah, S NOR OF .236 .663 .354 .309 382
Urquhart, C EVN IF .235 .621 .303 .318 328
Wertz Jr., K EVN OF .235 .729 .399 .330 279
Valadez, M SCH C .232 .617 .331 .286 303
Riley, M SIL OF .232 .645 .323 .322 293
Popkins, D WSH OF .232 .866 .505 .361 381
Carrillo, S FLO IF .229 .574 .271 .303 343
Lawson, R TC OF .228 .634 .345 .289 319
Tanner, Z FG IF .228 .649 .371 .278 367
Bell, C JOL IF .225 .647 .360 .287 265
Guillen, O NOR IF .220 .621 .335 .286 356
Beaird, M GAT OF .216 .575 .287 .288 365
Bumpers, S TC SS .215 .541 .265 .276 288
Veras, J FG OF .214 .627 .374 .253 333
Rosario, F FG IF .212 .554 .278 .276 292
Nelson, T SCH OF .209 .647 .332 .315 323
Stevens, T LER OF .209 .595 .276 .319 300
Tanis, J WIN IF .207 .563 .321 .242 322
Casper, M JOL SS .193 .486 .227 .259 263