
South Florida Collegiate Baseball League

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North - Stats


Statistics: Batting | Pitching | Fielding | Team Totals

Batting Stats

Batting Stats | Expanded Batting Stats | Sabermetric Batting Stats     [ Filter By : Last 7 | Last 30 ]

AVG - Minimum of plate appearances per team game - 1.7  

Clark, R PBD OF .380 .877 .430 .447 114
Martinez, A PBD OF .380 1.026 .549 .477 87
Mercado, J PBD IF .351 .895 .433 .462 122
Shea, T PPB C .328 .825 .391 .434 77
Hollins, C PBD OF .326 .869 .484 .385 109
Cobb, D BBB OF .322 1.010 .578 .432 111
Varela, J BRB U .315 .944 .483 .461 116
Tadlock, P PPB OF .305 .756 .333 .423 131
Warnock, R DBL IF .302 .766 .372 .394 99
Gonzalez, K BBB OF .300 .884 .450 .434 99
Begeman, M PPB 1B .297 .713 .356 .357 112
Payne, D DBL IF .293 .865 .444 .421 122
Cameron, A PPB OF .292 .747 .333 .414 88
Roper, J BBB OF .292 .904 .477 .427 84
Bryant, K BBB IF .291 .973 .558 .415 106
Faith, S BRB IF .290 .779 .411 .368 125
Phelps, J BRB IF .286 .783 .414 .369 84
Oconnor, T BBB OF .284 .846 .403 .443 88
Lantigua, J PPB 1B .275 .940 .538 .402 112
Von Werne, C PBD 1B .274 .742 .377 .365 126
Orrico, A BBB IF .274 .746 .310 .436 110
Landry, M DBL OF .271 .687 .313 .374 117
Gonzalez, A BBB IF .270 .633 .286 .347 72
Warren, M DBL IF .267 .693 .295 .398 133
Mimnaugh, Q BRB IF .266 .650 .291 .359 93
Schoeller, C PPB IF .261 .628 .297 .331 124
Feliz, T DBL OF .258 .611 .325 .286 128
Stone, B DBL IF .256 .759 .321 .438 105
Sundahl, M PBD C .254 .646 .317 .329 70
Slinger, B BBB IF .254 .661 .296 .365 85
Strauss, J BRB OF .253 .724 .379 .345 110
Paige, J BRB IF .247 .796 .481 .315 89
Tejada, J PPB C .242 .625 .316 .309 110
Castillo, B PPB IF .237 .694 .356 .338 71
Ellis, B BRB OF .235 .711 .309 .402 87
Magnuson, J DBL IF .232 .718 .305 .413 110
Dickey, D PBD OF .222 .677 .333 .344 97
Rathbun, K PPB OF .218 .735 .364 .371 70
Ross, W PPB 3B .205 .466 .205 .261 89
Lara, C BRB IF .204 .594 .269 .325 115
Manto, J DBL C .202 .604 .273 .331 118
Flaherty, K BBB P .182 .505 .242 .263 76
McCormack, S PBD IF .172 .522 .207 .315 73
Collins, N BRB IF .167 .461 .200 .261 69
Camacho, F DBL C .167 .444 .202 .242 95
Neel, B PPB OF .162 .471 .221 .250 80
Vittoria, K PPB 3B .162 .393 .162 .231 121
Negrete, C PPB IF .161 .470 .195 .275 104
Prell, T BBB C .102 .427 .119 .308 78