
Frontier League

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Northeast - Stats


Statistics: Batting | Pitching | Fielding | Team Totals

Pitching Stats

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ERA - Minimum inning(s) pitched per team game - .8  

Player Team ERA PFR BIPA K/9 BB/9 ERC FPS%
Hennen, R WSH 2.12 1.044 0.241 7.871 1.524 2.084 0.268
Osby, D WSH 3.76 1.204 0.310 8.388 2.447 4.076 0.260
Mills, M WSH 3.82 1.109 0.220 6.554 3.424 4.127 0.333
Herrmann, M SC 4.33 1.038 0.272 6.494 2.848 4.248 0.181
Milch, J NJ 4.74 1.118 0.273 7.579 2.487 3.806 0.211
Layne Jr., B SC 5.11 1.134 0.258 6.580 3.630 5.102 0.380
Vargas, A SC 5.77 0.739 0.303 4.304 2.348 5.364 0.179
Pimentel, K WSH 5.80 1.151 0.256 6.845 3.518 5.547 0.317
Castellani, M SC 6.26 0.804 0.345 4.752 2.484 7.407 0.334