
Great Lakes Summer Collegiate League

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Statistics: Batting | Pitching | Fielding | Team Totals

Pitching Stats

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ERA - Minimum inning(s) pitched per team game - .8  

Player Team ERA PFR BIPA K/9 BB/9 ERC FPS%
Gossard, C LL 0.00 1.435 0.125 9.391 3.522 .487 0.464
Burks, C LL 0.00 1.846 0.250 14.538 2.077 1.316 0.735
Whitbread, T SGG 0.00 1.625 0.176 13.500 1.125 .047 0.759
Rist, J LEM 0.00 0.750 0.500 6.750 0.000 11.19 0.714
Ochsenbein, A SOC 0.00 2.000 0.000 18.000 0.000 -.56 0.667
Benschoter, S LEM 0.00 2.000 0.000 18.000 0.000 -.56 0.667
Graveno, Z LL 1.35 1.200 0.250 6.750 4.050 3.916 0.586
Mullet, E GLM 1.50 0.667 0.250 6.000 0.000 1.185 0.708
Hurford, J GLM 1.54 0.943 0.179 6.171 2.314 2.176 0.729
Croy, B LL 1.93 2.571 0.333 15.429 7.714 8.399 0.760
Niksich, A GLM 2.70 2.300 0.132 9.000 11.700 4.223 0.438
Dunham, G SOC 3.38 1.000 0.286 5.625 3.375 5.069 0.735
Nelson, B RJ 3.38 1.125 0.300 6.750 3.375 4.773 1.000
Morrison, S GLM 3.52 0.522 0.343 2.348 2.348 6.309 0.676
Lanman, B RJ 4.15 1.615 0.357 10.385 4.154 4.862 0.474
Magley, T GLM 4.70 1.043 0.242 4.696 4.696 6.484 0.868
Hartwig, G LEM 5.40 1.800 0.125 0.000 16.200 9.929 0.500
Modrzynski, C LEM 6.23 0.923 0.350 6.231 2.077 5.837 0.696
Schmitt, A RJ 6.35 1.235 0.310 3.176 7.941 9.486 0.419
Brown, H SGG 7.20 0.600 0.385 3.600 1.800 8.042 0.630
Meyers, A RJ 7.50 1.000 0.417 9.000 0.000 5.217 0.828
Krokos, A RJ 10.13 1.125 0.250 5.063 5.063 5.284 0.667
Kyle, K SGG 12.27 1.636 0.533 12.273 2.455 11.458 0.400