
Playoffs 2016

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Penetang's Meher deadly on offense in 7-4 win against Caledon

Caledon East Arena    Tue, Feb 23, 2016

Matt Meher was all over the ice for the Penetang Kings, as he tallied two goals in Penetang's 7-4 win over the Caledon Golden Hawks.

Meher scored on the power play at 7:46 into the first period to make the score 1-0 Penetang and again while 6:08 into the second to make the score 2-0 Penetang.

After the loss made the series score 3-1 in the best of seven series, Caledon faces elimination next time out.

The Kings forced Golden Hawks' goalies to work hard to keep the puck out of the net, firing 38 shots and forcing 31 saves. Brendan Macham made 17 stops and Sam Procopio made 14.

Penetang additionally got points from Craig Robinson, who also racked up two goals and two assists to lead the team in points and Brad Kuepfer, who also tallied one goal and one assist. Braeden Dorion also scored for Penetang. Other players who recorded assists for Penetang were Matt Prucha, who had three and Nick Heins, Tye Sterne, Ben Sly, Cam Cochrane, and Michael Greco, who each chipped in one.

The Golden Hawks' offense rang up 38 shots on Penetang's net. Caledon was ineffective while on the power play, as it was held to two goals off of nine man advantages.

The Golden Hawks were led by Daniel Stretton, who registered two goals and one assist. Stretton scored the first of his two goals at 16:58 into the second period to make the score 5-1 Penetang. Tyler Whitten assisted on the tally. Stretton's next tally made the score 6-2 Penetang with 16:57 left in the third period. Kevin Pleasance picked up the assist. Others who scored for Caledon included Matt Magliozzi and Ryan Mouser, who each put in one. More assists for Caledon came via John Cyfko and Mathew Pyz, who contributed one each.

Andrew North recorded 34 saves for the Kings. Penetang incurred 38 minutes in penalty time with nine minors. Caledon incurred 32 minutes in penalty time with six minors.