
EOJHL M/V 2013/14

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Perth Blue Wings rolls over Almonte Thunder, 9-2

Almonte Community Centre    Sat, Jan 25, 2014

Perth Blue Wings had a seven-goal lead after two periods and cruised the rest of the way en route to a 9-2 win over Almonte Thunder.

Perth Blue Wings got the win with help from a great game by Jaren Burke, who had two goals and one assist. Burke scored the first of his two goals at 19:33 into the first period to make the score 3-0 Perth Blue Wings. Burke's next tally made the score 4-0 Perth Blue Wings with 19:54 left in the second period. Brett Everson assisted on the tally.

Perth Blue Wings made Almonte Thunder's netminders to work between the pipes, finishing with 38 shots and forcing 29 saves. Richard Barr made 21 stops and Alex Daley made eight. Perth Blue Wings put up an impenetrable defensive front on the penalty kill, and did not allow Almonte Thunder to score on any of its five power plays. Perth Blue Wings found the back of the net more times than it usually has this season. This season, Perth Blue Wings averages 3.9 goals per contest.

Perth Blue Wings additionally got points from Everson, who also grabbed one goal and two assists, Bradley Stitt, who also had one goal and two assists to lead the team in points, Andrew Dodson, who also registered one goal and one assist, and Alex Vala, who also tallied one goal and one assist. Perth Blue Wings also had goals scored by Austin Lamont, Brock Stashick, and Blair Barr, who scored one goal each. Other players who recorded assists for Perth Blue Wings were Riley McEwan, who had one and Andrew Davis, who had two.

Almonte Thunder's penalty kill was spotless, allowing no goals on four Perth Blue Wings power plays. Almonte Thunder's offense rang up 32 shots on Perth Blue Wings' net.

Almonte Thunder was led by Justin Marquis, who tallied one goal and one assist. Marquis scored 13:16 into the third period to make the score 9-2 Perth Blue Wings. Brendan Rousselle picked up the assist. Andrew Rowbotham also scored for Almonte Thunder.

Cam Lerner recorded 30 saves for Perth Blue Wings. Perth Blue Wings incurred 14 minutes in penalty time with seven minors. Almonte Thunder incurred 12 minutes in penalty time with six minors.