
EOJHL M/V 2013/14

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Ottawa West Golden Knights downs Perth Blue Wings in overtime, 5-4 (OT)

Barbara Ann Scott Arena    Thu, Dec 12, 2013

Ottawa West Golden Knights pulled out a 5-4 (OT) overtime victory over Perth Blue Wings on a clutch goal by Dave Kilrea.

Ottawa West Golden Knights overcame a three-goal deficit to capture the victory. Ottawa West Golden Knights trailed 4-1 after a goal by Perth Blue Wings' Zac Rodier at 18:09 in the second period. Ottawa West Golden Knights tied things up at 4-4 on a goal by Jeff Gottzman at 10:26 in the third period.

Marc Shanks had two goals and one assist to lead Ottawa West Golden Knights. Shanks scored the first of his two goals at 7:33 into the first period to make the score 1-1. Phil Edgar provided the assist. Shanks' next tally made the score 4-2 Perth Blue Wings with 16:02 left in the third period. Eric Wintjes picked up the assist.

Ottawa West Golden Knights managed to stay out of the box better than usual, registering one minor for two minutes in penalty time. Ottawa West Golden Knights finished below its season average of 20.0 penalty minutes per game. Ottawa West Golden Knights' offense rang up 45 shots on Perth Blue Wings' net.

Ottawa West Golden Knights also got a goal from Ethan Allard as well. More assists for Ottawa West Golden Knights came via Justin Lafleur, who had two and Derrin Lahoux and Corey Tam, who each chipped in one.

Perth Blue Wings kept Ottawa West Golden Knights' goalie busy throughout the game, and JJ Pristanski made 31 saves on 35 shots.

Perth Blue Wings was led by Blair Barr, who registered two goals and two assists. Barr scored the first of his two goals at 5:39 into the first period to make the score 1-0 Perth Blue Wings. Jimmy Pearson assisted on the tally. Barr's next tally made the score 2-1 Perth Blue Wings with 10:20 left in the first period. Pearson picked up the assist. Perth Blue Wings additionally got points from Pearson, who also finished with one goal and two assists and Rodier, who also grabbed one goal and one assist. In addition, Perth Blue Wings received assists from Andrew Davis, who had one.

Ottawa West Golden Knights registered one goal on two power play opportunities. Perth Blue Wings' Nicholas Hodgins stopped 40 shots out of the 45 that he faced. Perth Blue Wings incurred four minutes in penalty time with two minors.