
Playoffs 2012

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Penetang outlasts Alliston, 4-2

GBMJC Head Office    Fri, Feb 17, 2012

The game between the Penetang Kings and the Alliston Hornets was tight through all 60 minutes, but in the end Penetang emerged with a 4-2 win.

The Kings gained the winning advantage on a goal by Jacob Robitaille 14:15 into the third period and hung on until final buzzer.

The win gave Penetang a 1-0 lead in the best of seven series.

Brad Payne was all over the ice for the Kings, as he tallied one goal and two assists in the win. Payne scored 19:59 into the third period to make the score 4-2 Penetang.

Penetang forced Alliston goalie Donald Oldrieve to work between the pipes, taking 36 shots.

The Hornets' penalty kill was spotless, allowing no goals on three Penetang power plays. Alliston's offense operated below it season average. The Hornets average six goals per game. Alliston's offense efficiently hummed along to the tune of 31 shots put on the Kings' net.

Zach Leduc also scored for Penetang. In addition, Penetang received assists from Craig Robinson and Nick Arcan, who contributed one each.

The Hornets were led by Randy Cox, who had one goal and one assist. Cox scored on the power play 18:00 into the second period to make the score 1-1. Alliston had taken the advantage when Penetang's Nigel Labatte got sent off for roughing after whistle. Dakota Brooks provided the assist. Alliston got a goal from Matt Thompson as well. More assists for Alliston came via Cam Nicoll and Mark ODonnell, who each chipped in one.

The Hornets stifled the Kings' power play, and did not give up a single goal while down a man.

Thompson also scored for Alliston. In addition, Alliston received assists from.

Penetang got a goal from Leduc as well. More assists for Penetang came via.

Jake Smith recorded 29 saves for Penetang. The Kings incurred 16 minutes in penalty time with three minors. Donald Oldrieve made 32 saves for Alliston on 35 shots. The Hornets incurred 18 minutes in penalty time with four minors.

Alliston registered one goal on two power play opportunities.